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夏日國際電影節2016:歌舞.人生 向荷里活歌舞片致敬


《綠野仙踪》及《封面女郎》正伴隨著荷里活的全盛期。當時年僅17歲的茱地嘉蘭憑這部《綠野仙踪》成名,〈Over The Rainbow〉成為世紀金曲,影片最近經過數碼修復及3D處理,令片中的童話國度更添夢幻色彩。《封面女郎》是荷里活一代舞王真基利嶄露頭角之作,透過雙重曝光,讓真基利跟玻璃倒影裡跑出來的另一個自己鬥舞的一場戲,舞蹈編排令人拍案叫絕。《星海浮沉錄》則是茱地嘉蘭多年迷失後翻身之作,無論歌藝與演技都大放異彩,她與占士美臣合演銀壇情侶,女的成了超級新星,男的漸變過氣沉淪,在《窈窕淑女》金像導演佐治谷哥的鏡頭下,傷感而不失幽默,更感人肺腑。三片今回放映的,都是最新的數碼修復版。

《綠野仙踪3D》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-wizard-of-oz-3d/?lang=zh 《封面女郎》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/cover-girl/?lang=zh 《星海浮沉錄》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/a-star-is-born/?lang=zh

SummerIFF16: Life as a Musical - A Tribute to the Hollywood Musical

Hollywood is not called a dream factory for nothing, and musicals is its quintessential product. SummerIFF16 will showcase 7 musicals from the golden era of Hollywood, with Jean-Luc Godard's A WOMAN IS A WOMAN as a reference film, which pays tribute to the genre.

Acclaimed as one of the most well-known and successful musicals, with the most enduring tune "Over the Rainbow" sung by the 17-year-old Judy Garland, THE WIZARD OF OZ comes alive again in this striking 3D presentation. Gene Kelly achieved his breakthrough that foreshadowed his best future work in COVER GIRL, especially with the memorable routine dancing to his own reflection. A STAR IS BORN is Judy Garland's Hollywood comeback after years of depression. Director George Cukor was unparalleled at getting performances from Garland and James Mason, which is what The New York Times called "one of the grandest heartbreak dramas that has drenched the screen in years." All three films will be screened in its newly restored version.

THE WIZARD OF OZ 3D: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-wizard-of-oz-3d/ COVER GIRL: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/cover-girl/ A STAR IS BORN: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/a-star-is-born/

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