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【#HKIFF43】 開幕電影:《沉默的證人》? . 第43屆香港國際電影節將於3月18日開幕,由荷里活知名動作導演 #雷尼哈林 執導、#張家輝 及 #任賢齊 領銜主演的《#沉默的證人》世界首映打頭陣。 . 「遊戲,依家先開始。」

布斯韋利士 在《#虎膽龍威2》(1990)的精句,落在影帝張家輝飾演的法醫口中,預言一場驚險緊張的亡命激鬥勢將爆發。⚠️


任賢齊 繼《#樹大招風》(HKIFF40 開幕電影)後再演悍匪, 藏於?面具背後挑戰經典小丑角色的陰森,帶領手下突襲殮房劫屍,將所有人迫 入絕境,在法醫的冷靜機智下,兇徒真面目將逐步揭開。 . ?《沉默的證人》 ?立即購票:http://bit.ly/hkiff43bar . 【HKIFF43】Opening Film: Bodies at Rest . The 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival will open on 18 March with the world premiere of Bodies at Rest, Renny HARLIN’s Chinese language crime thriller starring Nick CHEUNG and Richie JEN. . Hollywood action director Renny Harlin skilfully reconstructs his decathlon of violence, intensity of suspense and action sequences of Die Hard 2 (1990) into the Hong Kong genre of crime thriller in an explosive twist. ⚠️

The cat-and-mouse game kicks off in a morgue, where a forensic expert and his assistant are accosted by masked intruders who demand access to a body containing evidence to a crime. ?

Award-winning actor Nick Cheung leads a hard-as-nails fight against Richie Jen (Trivisa, opening film of HKIFF40), who rivals the Joker supervilliain character. . ? Bodies at Rest ?Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/hkiff43bar

?完整片目 | Full line-up: https://www.hkiff.org.hk/film/list ?節目及訂票手冊 | Programme & Booking Folder: http://bit.ly/hkiff43bkfolder ?正式售票 | Ticket Sales: 28 Feb 2019 ?#HKIFF43 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

HKIFF #香港國際電影節 : http://www.hkiff.org.hk

BodiesAtRest #開幕電影 #世界首映 #搶屍滅跡 #NickCheung #RichieJen #RennyHarlin

沉默的證人 Bodies At Rest

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 18, 2009