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???【#HKIFF42】丹麥新氣象 New Danish Cinema 北歐寒風將席捲香港!北歐電影的冷峻與奇詭風格近年大放異彩,HKIFF今年特別聚焦丹麥,網羅六部年度佳作:具靈異色彩的《北國凶靈》,約謙特艾爾以冷酷驚慄風格刻劃少女的成長及愛情困惑;恩尼斯梅士的話題作《波格對麥根萊》,重演網球壇兩位經典球星的世紀對決;獲羅迦諾電影節最佳男主角等四獎的《黑白寒光》,寫照在礦場工作兩兄弟苦無出路的孤寂生活;《樹大招瘋》將鄰舍爭執演變成暴力衝突;《腦謀心算》勾勒出人性的複雜面;而《騙婚異鄉人》則道盡北歐移民面對的難堪困境。

A cold front from Scandinavia is blowing to Hong Kong! HKIFF42 brings to you “New Danish Cinema”, showcasing six outstanding films: THELMA, a chilling psychological thriller from acclaimed director Joachim Trier; the topical BORG/MCENROE re-stages the legendary 1980 Wimbledon Championship men’s final; WINTER BROTHERS, winner of four major awards at the Locarno Film Festival; UNDER THE TREE turns neighborly disputes over a tree into a fierce conflict; YOU DISAPPEAR is an incisive, absorbing psychodrama about the odd behaviors of a man with a brain tumor; and THE CHARMER offers a nuanced glimpse into Scandinavia’s immigrant community.

?#香港國際電影節 #HKIFF ?http://www.hkiff.org.hk/ ?Search “HKIFFS” on App Store/Google Play ?Instagram: @hkiffs ?訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

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