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【#HKIFF41】 十年再見楊德昌 ? 為紀念導演 #楊德昌 逝世十周年,第四十一屆香港國際電影節特別呈獻「十年再見楊德昌」,讓影迷一口氣重溫其畢生七部經典作品,包括剛完成修復的《#青梅竹馬》及《#牯嶺街少年殺人事件》。由首部長片《#海灘的一天》至最後作品《#一一》,楊德昌對城市的敏銳觀察洞悉,及對藝術的追求深深影響數代電影人。與楊德昌合作無間的編劇#小野 以及其遺孀彭鎧立將分別出席大師班與映後談,詳情請留意公佈。


? Edward Yang, 10-year Commemoration The 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival will present "#EdwardYang, 10-year Commemoration", a retrospective of the late director's works. Cinephiles can enjoy the rare opportunity to revisit all of his seven feature films, including the newly restored classics TAIPEI STORY and A BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY. From his first THAT DAY, ON THE BEACH to his last A ONE AND A TWO, Yang has influenced generations of filmmakers with his vision and aesthetics, and his critical observation of the contemporary world. The director's long-time collaborator and screenwriter #HsiaoYeh and his widow Kaili Peng will attend the festival to meet the audience. Stay tuned for the forthcoming announcement.

about 7 years ago 968 likes  0 comment  408 shares


Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009