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?【#電影節發燒友】《亂世兒女》、《奪命劍》 生於亂世,不同性格決定不同命運。《亂世兒女》的愛爾蘭窮小子(賴恩奧尼路)投機取巧勾引富有寡婦混跡上流社會,最終殘廢被逐,一切歸零;《奪命劍》的幕府武士(三船敏郎)忠誠忍辱,最後為了維護武士尊嚴,決意拼死一戰。寇比力克以印象派的視覺畫風,重塑古雅深幽的光影感受;小林正樹則以極簡風格營造澎湃張力,生死對決悲壯激昂。一東一西,各擅勝場。6 月11日設映後談,講者劉嶔探討《亂世兒女》何以成為經典。 《亂世兒女》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/barry-lyndon/ 《奪命劍》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/samurai-rebellion/

?【#CineFan】BARRY LYNDON and SAMURAI REBELLION An Irish rogue and a Japanese Samurai may seem worlds apart, but they share a fluctuating life in a chaotic time. In BARRY LYNDON, Ryan O'Neal plays an opportunistic nitwit who inelegantly climbs up the social ladder only to destroy himself at last. In SAMURAI REBELLION, Mifune Toshiro is the swordsman whose humble obedience brings disgrace and finally confronts his destiny of rebellion to defend dignity. See these films on 11 Jun to appreciate the stately elegant style of Stanley Kubrick and the visually striking image of Kobayashi Masaki.

BARRY LYNDON: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/barry-lyndon/ SAMURAI REBELLION: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/samurai-rebellion/

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