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【#電影節發燒友 ?】姬黛vs烈打;法斯塔夫vs威爾斯:真我是誰??

銀幕上的姬黛美艷熱情,是男人夢想對象;銀幕下的 #烈打希和芙 卻腼腆羞怯,#奧遜威爾斯 娶得美人歸,卻離婚收場。


《#蕩婦姬黛》與《#午夜鐘聲》都是一場人生賭局?:前者賭愛,後者賭義。到頭來,是真愛必勝,抑或背信棄義才是王道? . 【#CineFan ?】Gilda vs Rita Hayworth; Falstaff vs Orson Welles – Who’s who? ?

At odds with the sheer sensuality of #Gilda that makes her the idol of male fantasies, the demure Rita Hayworth ends up in a divorce with “the great love of her life" - Orson Welles.

While in FALSTAFF: CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT, the vain and mercurial Sir John Falstaff created by #Shakespeare looks miles apart from the ambitious and adamant Welles, yet this character can be seen as his painfully honest self-portrait. . ?【修復經典 Restored Classics】: 《蕩婦姬黛》| Gilda | 2/12 & 16/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2OzBUxr 《午夜鐘聲》| Falstaff: Chimes at Midnight | 2/12 | 20:00 ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2Rqu6fV . ?11/12月節目詳情 Programme: https://bit.ly/2P7x6fB . 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《放浪記》(放映+講座) | Her Lonely Lane | 30/11 | 19:30: http://bit.ly/2O4TSZ5 《卡巴先生夫人劇院》| Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal | 1/12 | 14:30 : http://bit.ly/2zPZZI0 《白蘭琪男爵夫人》| Blanche | 1/12 | 16:30: http://bit.ly/2xZHOhR


Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

RitaHayworth #OrsonWelles #Falstaff #RetoredClassics

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