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【#CineFan 二月節目】希治閣:含冤記、擒兇記 Alfred Hitchcock: THE WRONG MAN and THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH ★★12/02/2017 | 19:30 | The Grand ★★ ★★12/02/2017 | 21:45 | The Grand ★★

希治閣 在《#含冤記》罕有改編真人真事,以實景拍攝,還原當事人比小說更離奇的遭遇。紐約夜總會樂手無端被誤認是疑犯,一連串劫案都算到他頭上,人證物證俱全,水洗難清。結構精密與布烈遜的《死囚逃生記》互相輝映。

《#擒兇記》的英國醫生一家到摩洛哥度假,碰巧遇刺男子向他留下政治暗殺陰謀的遺言,從此惹禍上身,被誤認作間諜,更被真間諜擄走兒子當人質,唯有全力擒兇拯救愛兒。名曲《Que Sera, Sera》緊扣劇情,更是百聽不厭。 《含冤記》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-wrong-man/?lang=zh 《擒兇記》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-man-who-knew-too-much/?lang=zh

For once, #Hitchcock tells a true story. In #THEWRONGMAN , a New York musician is recognized as the criminal responsible for a series of robberies. As evidence mounts and witnesses pile on, the ordeal takes its toll on him despite his claim on innocence. Godard recognized this as one of Hitchcock’s most profound and moving films. In #THEMANWHOKNEWTOOMUCH , Hitchcock's wrong man is trapped in Morocco. A British family accidentally stumbles on an assassination plot and the conspirators are determined to prevent them from interfering by kidnapping their son. The famous song “#QueSeraSera” takes on a powerful role both in the film and the music history. THE WRONG MAN: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-wrong-man/ THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/the-man-who-knew-too-much/

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