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基阿魯斯達米經典重溫(二):大寫特寫、童心一二三 基阿魯斯達米名句「尋找真相的捷徑是謊言」便是來自《大寫特寫》。婦人識穿冒牌大導麥馬巴夫訛稱開新戲騙財,將他送官究治,基氏乘機拍攝審訊過程,並作案件重演。真.麥馬巴夫同場現身,罪犯出獄後竟真的投身電影業。罪行真有其事,影片半真半假,徹底模糊虛實界線,創新電影語言的破格之作。



《大寫特寫》: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/close-up/?lang=zh 《童心一二三》:http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/abc-africa/?lang=zh

Abbas Kiarostami Revisited II: CLOSE-UP and ABC AFRICA

In CLOSE-UP, one of Kiarostami’s most admired fusions of documentary and fiction, we enter the multi-layered story of the real-life trial of a man who impersonated filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, duping a family for financing his new film. Kiarostami’s crew begins documenting his trial, and restaging the previous events with all the original participants acting as themselves. A landmark piece of meta-cinema exploring the nature of truth and identity.

ABC AFRICA is an inspiring documentary by Kiarostami at the invitation of the UN to film children orphaned by AIDS in Uganda. What could have been a cliché, poverty-exploiting documentary is transformed into trademark Kiarostami: a peek into the world of children, full of curiosity and spirit in the face of harsh experience. With the freedom offered by his small handheld camera, the director comes close to his idea of a “poetic camera”.

Post-screening seminar with Linda Lai and Li Cheuk-to after ABC AFRICA on 14 Jan

CLOSE-UP: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/close-up/ ABC AFRICA: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/film/abc-africa/

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