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布烈遜:《鄉村牧師日記》、《布朗森林的貴婦》 同樣改編文學名著,極富濃厚宗教和哲學色彩,在布烈遜的導筒下,卻以迥異的電影語言呈現。《布朗森林的貴婦》以貴婦報復情人花心的故事,呈現犧牲和奉獻的命題,全片典雅華麗,是古典主義的聲畫結合;《鄉村牧師日記》則以其經典的簡約風格,透過虔誠年輕神父直視肉身的痛苦與信仰的煎熬,是探索孤立內心世界的靈性電影。6 月10日連看兩部佳作,可窺見布烈遜電影風格的演變。 在6 月3日的羅拔布烈遜座談會,講者朗天和李焯桃談到布烈遜無論在場面調度、鏡頭處理與主題思考各方面創造了自成一家的電影語言,以反傳統戲劇的省略方式,去掉演員的外在表情,在拍攝過程保持靈活開放的態度,讓觀眾感受真正昇華的情感,從而探討宗教的救贖、自由的囚徒、受迫害的弱勢等主題,甚至示範了反社會的犯罪行為。

名導/影評人推薦: 安德烈巴贊:「如果說《鄉村牧師日記》被奉為經典,展現了風格的本質,使尖刻批評家與泛泛觀眾皆受感動,主要非因其蘊含智性,而是能牽動情感,達致情感共鳴的最高層次。」 安東尼奧尼:「我喜愛《布朗森林的貴婦》,欣賞布烈遜省略劇情敘事,只讓人看見其結果。他藉環境提昇角色的深度,成就非凡。」

《鄉村牧師日記》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/diary-of-a-country-priest/ 《布朗森林的貴婦》:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/ladies-of-the-park/

Robert Bresson: DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST and LADIES OF THE PARK LADIES OF THE PARK is Bresson's early work in classical style, telling the story of a rich lady taking revenge on her faithless noble lover by arranging him to marry a grubby prostitute. DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST, though taking on a traditional style of narration, is freshened up by the intersection of monologues and images through a young priest's struggle with fatal disease and doubt in faith. Adapted from great novels yet with different spiritual dimensions, these films reflect Bresson's transformation in style.

In the Robert Bresson seminar on 3 Jun, critics Long Tin and Li Cheuk-to discussed the director's unique cinematographic theory and style combining aesthetic sensibilities with profound moral questions. By removing all the dramatic and theatrical elements, Bresson led the audience into a world free of sentiment but full of emotions, exploring the themes of salvation and redemption, free-will and determinism.

Filmmakers/Critics' Recommendations: André Bazin: "If DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST impresses us as a masterpiece, and this with an almost physical impact, if it moves the critic and the uncritical alike, it is primarily because of its power to stir the emotions, rather than the intelligence, at their highest level of sensitivity." Michelangelo Antonioni: "I really liked Bresson's LADIES OF THE PARK. I liked his way of 'dodging' the main scenes; he let you see only the consequences of the main scenes. What also seemed extraordinary was his way of enhancing the characters against the environment."

DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/diary-of-a-country-priest/ LADIES OF THE PARK: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/ladies-of-the-park/

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009