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Cine Fan精選了他的五部名作。《工人階級上天堂》對資本家的貪婪壓榨與勞工階層的困境,作出了犀利尖銳的觀察。《查案記》一針見血戳穿激進者的自我分裂,以及掌權者對無能的恐懼和權力的執迷。《千方百計》講政經巨頭逐一被暗殺,對當時政治與宗教勢力的腐敗大加鞭撻。首部長片《情婦謀殺案》及「大逃殺」遊戲《草菅人命》較接近類型電影,但通過導演的政治眼光,都反映出類型底下的社會真相。



Elio Petri, the Italian Satirist

As an Italian director, screenwriter, critic and intellectual, Elio Petri has made a series of political films in the 60s and 70s that shook the world. He has won major awards at Cannes, Venice and the Oscars. Local audience has just discovered the power of political cinema, so now is the best time to revisit his forgotten masterpieces.

Cine Fan will showcase 5 of his best works in the Sep/Oct edition. In his first film THE ASSASSIN, Petri displayed his longtime concern with themes of greed, mendacity and official corruption; In THE TENTH VICTIM, he used the sci-fi genre as a devastating satire on political power; INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN ABOVE SUSPICION is a scathing indictment of authoritarianism and police corruption; THE WORKING CLASS GOES TO HEAVEN delivers caustic observations on workers' rights, corporate greed and the triviality of consumerism; TODO MODO offers a searing critique on the Christian Democratic party which dominated Italian politics.

Elio Petri, the Italian Satirist: http://cinefan.com.hk/cms/category/programme/sep-oct-programmes-2016/

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