Farini Chang
演员, 歌手
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“ 2 8 8 2 ”

What association would you have with this set of numbers?



Last year, independent director Patty Keung (AnD member) called me and told me that she’s unexpectedly got an HD Panasonic Varicam for one day and asked me if I would work for her for the trailer of her story “ prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /2882”. 

去年,獨立導演柏姜Patty Keung (AnD成員)致電給我說她意外地可擁有一部Panasonic Varicam專業高清攝影機一天,問我可不可以主演她的《2882》預告片。


I happened to be available on those couple of days.  Knowing how rush the shoot is, I offered to help her organize the wardrobe.  The two of us had spent half a day to find over 20 pieces of wardrobe for all the actors.   Patty used the other half of the day and found all the locations for the shoot.  They are all in the Pokfulam area near where she lives.我剛剛在那兩天有空檔,而且知她這製作非常倉促,便自薦協助她安排服飾。柏姜與我兩人一起花了半天去為所有演員安排了總共20多套服飾。而柏姜更利用餘下之半天找到了所有的場景,全都是在柏姜居住之薄枎林區付近。

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Another AnD member, award-winning cinematographer, Mr. Henry Chung was the lighting cameraman for this film.   Everything was shot in only one day. It was such a happy shoot to work with many great actors such as Ku Feng and Alex Chan and my dear friend Swizz.  We were all thrilled that this trailer was later selected to be shown at the 11th FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in Montreal.

http://www.fantasiafestival.com/2007/en/films/film_detail.php?id=278 另一名AnD成員,得獎攝影大 師鍾有添先生Henry Chung擔任此片之攝影指導。全片只用了一天拍攝,而這次拍攝過程亦十分愉快,因我能與其他精彩演員如 谷峰先生及 陳望華先生一起工作,並因我的好友Swizz也有份參予。我們所有人都很興奮,因為這預告片最終被加拿大滿地可之「第十一屆Fantasia International Film Festival」獲邀展出。http://www.fantasiafestival.com/2007/en/films/film_detail.php?id=278


The story of “ 2882”takes you through the soul journey of a young woman desperately seeking love all through her life and lets you know why at the age of 28 she has finally discovered her real love with an 82-year-old man.  The following short video is just a teaser."2882"這故事帶觀衆經歷一個非常渴望被愛的年輕女子成長心路歷程,更讓你了解為何她到了28歲才與 一位82歲的老伯伯產生了她一生夢寐以求的愛情 。 以下片段只為預告 。



大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34610
Ku Feng rules ! One of the greatest actor of all time. Almost 330 movies done within the last 45 years ! Had the chance to interview him 4 times. He really loves acting & cinema. He always have so many interesting things to say about movies & the Hong Kong film industry that he knows so well... I'd really like to see this "2882" project done soon.
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 24183
FARINI, You are great! Ku Feng is great! I really hope we can work on this together as a full length feature one day... CHARLYNLIM89 The background music is one of the piano tracks from an album of Korean pianist "Daydream's DREAMING piano solo collection" called "You and Me" FRED and SHIRLEY, You guys are great too as my friends and are always so support to me! I LOVE YOU GUYS! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
大约 16 年 ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
looks promising, hope it can be made
大约 16 年 ago


Life is full of stories, colors, music and movies.


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 15, 2007