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In Japan - cameras and ice cucumber pepsi...

I played a little Russian Roulette yesterday... yes I flew China Airlines!


昨日香港から日本までChina Airlinesで行った。

They had a really good fare (less than US$400)  to Japan  for this weekend (which is a four day weekend if I take off monday),  so I couldn't resist.


        The view from the airport formerly named after Chiang Kaishek - its now called Taoyuan ( 桃園 ) Airport, but i have a sneaking suspicion someone thought it would be funny to replace CKS's name with a word that sounds pretty close to taoyan ( 討厭 ) :-P


So back to the point: From now til tuesday I'm in Hiroshima visiting a friend and doing some touristy stuff (which of course will include castles!)... and generally enjoying some time back in Japan.  Its been almost a year since I moved to HK...  seems like a lot longer though!

Today I had a fun filled day. It started out with this:

As I mentioned in this blog last week,  my faithful Casio EX-Z500 was dying and needed a replacement.  After doing some research on the web, price comparison and manual testing at the camera store,  I ended up reversing my previous decision and going with the casio EX-V7.



It was only 27,500 yen (~$220), and the photo quality at max zoom seemed to be nearly as good as my other main choice, the Panasonic TZ3.... which is WAY bigger and more clunky (and more expensive).    I also tested out the anti-shake thing which the reviews said didn't work worth crap, but it didn't seem too bad to me when I tested it.  I opted for the black just to be different. :-P

The photo above was the best i could do at the time to recreate my comparison photo between my last camera and the one before that.

(its nice to see my cell phone camera has improved a great deal over the previous one too).

OK,  so thats maybe not so exciting for most of you... but this has to be:

Oh yes,  ICE CUCUMBER PEPSI!  (as mentioned in this blog)... in my hand!

So let me cut to the chase... this stuff does NOT taste good at all. 



I don't know why they decided to make this as a flavor of soft drink... it doesn't have much of a flavor... but it has a strong (unappetizing) after taste.   Also it has a kind of foul cucumber-esque smell about it too...


I tried it once, now I never have to drink it again. :-P



The rest of today's events will have to wait til i get some time to prep my photos and write up a full blog...  hold your horses!

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha. I had to drink it really slowly too... it was hot outside so eventually i was able to finish it. ;-)
大约 17 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007