Elizabeth Lazan
演员, 主持人, 模特儿
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A Collective of Creatives come together

Had a great last weekend, celebrating my friend's Ikue's birthday at this amazing, large warehouse artist space in Brooklyn owned by Ray Smith's (http://www.raysmithstudio.com/main/). He is such a talented, kind man with sculptures and paintings just spilling such creative integrity. Not to mention, his wife who is from Mexico, is a riot to party with. Spoke to Marc Singer, a British filmmaker, who's film Dark Days, about homeless people living in the NYC underground released with rave reviews especially at Sundance.

Fashion designer Rolando Santana (http://rolandosantana.com/), amazing beautiful collection, generously dressed me for the night. Theme:  Elegant Streak.

Here are pictures of the fitting in his studio in Mid-town Manhattan. His dresses just speak me and the final black, feathery dress which we decided on for the party event, I definitely could walk down the red carpert in! Check out his works online if you're not in NYC.

Rolando Santana and myself

This was such a beautiful purple gown. Save it for the next date!

The final dress and final touches. Thank you Rolando!

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 51673
i like the second one best, but i'm a guy.....ha!
接近 13 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah, #2....
接近 13 年 ago
Photo 112122
i loved them all!
接近 13 年 ago
Photo 100296
Awesome photographs, beautiful dresses and you look great :) Hope NYC has been great for you
12 年多 ago


Currently based in New York City. The Chef《煮持人》- Selected for the Shanghai Film Festival'10. Film nominated at the 2010 Asian Television Awards for Best Sing


english, mandarin, itallian
New York City, United States
July 9, 2008