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24 Herbs
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BAPE Concert & Party | BAPE演唱會&Party

The concert was good. It was a good crowd but a shame there weren't more people. After the concert we all took off to the after party at Mint. Major blinging place. It was totally packed, everyone was there. We partied till like 4am. If you read the SCMP, recently heard that their London branch closed down and they didn't inform the share holders. Doh...! Damn, I would be piss off too. Lucky we are not blingin enough to buy into a joint like that.

| 演唱會進行得很好。人群不錯,但不好意思,來的人不多。之後我們去Mint開慶祝Party,主要的b...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Our homies Thaitanium came to town for a visit so naturally we took them out drinking. We took them for some chinese food and hit a few bars like Yumla, Racks and Drop for some very serious drinking. Partying in HK is always fun because HK is so small you always run into friends. These thai boys can really drink !!

| 好朋友Thaitanium到香港來玩,我們自然要帶他出去喝酒。我們帶他去吃中國菜,還去了好些酒吧象Yumla、Racks和Drop認真喝酒。在香港玩很有意思,因為香港這麽小,你總碰得到朋友。這些泰國男生真能喝!!

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


We thought we would spot light our homie Brian aka Sir JBS. He is not so active on AnD but check out his blogs on other sites. He is super active !! He is a damn good skater also and loves to eat. He is one of the loudest and funniest MF you've ever meet. If he is in the room, you would instantly know about it. You guys better give him some more encouragement to blog here on AnD by showing him some love.


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over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Dan Wu for Giant Robot

Its not every day you get interview and photographed by Daniel Wu then he buys you dinner. We met up after our Chinese Uni gig as you might have notice that we are all in the same outfit !! Daniel interview us for Giant Robot Mag in the US. We were all staving as we didn't eat before our gig and we didn't meet up till around 10pm. You can see the hotpot we had below, well we had about 2 rounds of that food and we cleaned it up ! It was really funny shooting in the street as these people walked out of a bar near by and were sayi...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

Chinese Uni Show

Check out the pics from Chinese Uni show. The ceiling of the Hi Tech Hall looks like a space ship. Reminds me of Independence Day and we were perfectly sober ! It was a fun gig. The crowd was really dope and responsive. A few other bands like Kolor also rocked the house.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Diesel & Adidas Party

Diesel and Adidas put on a great party a few weeks ago. We played as well as DJ Miss Yellow and DJ Becareful. The party was rocking with loads of cool people. Both store were totally packed and the party moved out onto the street. Great vibe.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

RTHK DJ Angela

On the day we did the Chinese University show, we also had an interview at RTHK with DJ Angela. Everyone was there except Kit as he had a bad cold and had to save his strength for the show. We turned up to RTHK around 4pm. Angela was dope. It was aired the following sunday I think. Here are some pictures from the recording.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Big thank you to Respect Music Magazine for giving us Love & Respect. Check it out below.

| 非常感謝Respect雜誌給我們Love & Respect,看看:

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

24 Bun Mei / Taste 24

We've launched the album, we've done the customary celebrations. 24Herbs needed more excuses to go party and eat. So, we came up with the 24Herbs lifestyle/cooking show. The English name for the program is "Taste 24". The Chinese name is titled "24品味 (品味 means taste)." On each episode our special guest(s) will be treated to a delicious dinner, made in our selected kitchens or go taste great food at other dining spots. Here is a sneak peek of our first show.

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

Diesel/Adidas Calabo | Diesel/Adidas平面廣告

Here are the shots by Wing Shya for the Diesel/Adidas Jeans print ad. They asked us what we respect, and Conroy said, Beef and Beer. So Wing got us some real big ass frozen steaks thew them in the air and we were suppose to catch them. The other shot is called Get Hi and we just lifted up Phat cause he is the lightest guy in the group. Check out the pics.

| 這是夏永康拍攝的Diesel/Adidas牛仔平面廣告。他們問我們喜歡什麼,子聰說,牛肉和啤酒。於是夏永康找來幾塊巨大的凍牛排,拋往空中,要我們跳起來抓。另一個拍攝叫"Get Hi",我們把Phat舉起來,因為他最輕。請欣賞照片。 

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


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