Official Artist
24 Herbs
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我們誠意邀請廿四味的粉絲參加10月28日星期六在Armani/Prive 舉辦的 Dead Not Alive 萬聖節派對,我們會送出10張門票給5位幸運兒

想要獲得兩張免費門票,只需簡單三個步驟- 1)在您的Facebook頁面上分享此鏈接 - https://www.facebook.com/events/415609792168278/ 2)點擊"參加"活動 3)發送您的姓名和電話號碼至24herbscontest@alivenotdead.com電子郵箱


We have 5 pairs of tickets to give away to 24Herbs fans for our performance at the Dead Not Alive Halloween Party, which will be held at Armani/Prive on Saturday October 28th.

To win two free entries, please do the following - 1) share this link on your facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/events/415609792168278/ 2) RSVP "going" to that event listing 3) Send an email with your name and phone number to 24herbscontest@alivenotdead.com.

Deadline for entering is Wednesday Oct 18th. Winners will be notified by Oct 19th.

almost 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 10, 2007