Warren RM Stuart
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The Fringe


I just finished watching 14 episodes of  The Fringe.  This is  a science fiction TV series co-created by  J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.  The show has been described as a cross between  The X-Files,  Altered States,  The Twilight Zone and  Dark Angel.  I’m a big fan of  of J.J. Abrams & I was not disappointed with The Fringe & I watched all 14 episodes in 2 days. 

This is another TV series with a lot of mystery & references to many other things; such as this, check out this screen cap:

Notice anything familiar? When I sent this to Nigel (HK’s # 1 LOST fan), he went nuts.

There seems to be many hidden messages in the series, even in the opening credits…  I noticed this in the opening credits:


Then, in an episode called “The Arrival”, you get to know who/what  ”The Observer” is.  It turns out that there are websites & forums out there with lists of all the  ”observer sightings”, theories on who / what the observer is,  what part he plays in the series, etc.  Crazy fan shit.

The observer appears in almost all episodes of the series; &  you don’t even notice him until you specifically look for him. I did not notice his appearances until I saw this clip.  (spoiler warning!!)

Anyway, I won’t say too much, but I enjoyed the series & look forward to the next episode, which airs in April 09.

(The series starts in Hong Kong this week!)

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
August 1, 2005