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Mind Field - OUT NOW!

Alien Workshop’s highly anticipated video, Mind Field, is now available in Hong Kong!

Since the DVD’s just arrived at 8Five2 Shop yesterday afternoon, JBS hosted a premiere for us so we could check out this video ASAP!

A few other good friends came down to Hong Kong last night to join our premiere; even though they were on a tight schedule filming for LRG - Anthony C. Tyronne Ramone, Kelly Hart & Chico Brenes (One of my all time favorite Dai Loh’s of Skateboarding) made the trek from SZ to HK last night to watch the video with us. We were all psyched to watch this video together with these guys!

When I was watching the video I remembered & realized that Alien Workshop has one of the strongest teams in skateboarding because part after part just keeps coming at you.

It was interesting to watch such an amazing video with good friends who know skateboarding; from regular skaters like me to the guys that actually live the life of a Pro Skateboarder - its like being in a real time review of the video!!

The video stays true to Alien Workshops’s steez; there are references to the 1st Alien video & the same music from Dinosaur Jr… There is a reason why AWS has been around & been so strong for almost 2 decades!! All I can say is that this video is amazing.

Big thanks to JBS & Anniefor inviting us to their home to watch this video, & thanks to all my homies, Chico, Ant, Tyronne & Kelly for the good company!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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