Victor Chen
Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing , Sports Coach
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Being newly vegetarian

Arriving back in China earlier this year, I made a challenge for myself to not eat meat for one week and see how it goes. Now it is almost six months and I am going strong. It is a completely different feel physically and mentally to become vegetarian.

Many may think its just food and who cares right? But having seen what I've seen here in Asia and the treatment of animals worldwide, I felt like a complete fool to not have done this earlier.

I'm not trying to convert anyone but try it for a week and give yourself that test. I'm a big advocate now for PETA and if you can spare the time, please go to Peta.org and sign up for a cause to protect out animals. Some things we can't control in life. Not eating meat should not be one of them.

about 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Martial Artist, International Traveler, Fitness Maniac, action actor aspirations and a crazy love of eating too many peanuts & almonds...

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
November 2, 2009