Victor Chen
Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing , Sports Coach
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Back in the USA

Happy New Year to all. I'm back in the USA now. Been back almost 1 1/2 weeks and still feels strange. I miss overseas and miss the fun of HK, parts of China and just being able to go around different cities and see good friends.

The US is good too but being an American, having lived in the US for over 30+ years, I wonder now if I came back too early. I was getting tired of the job in China but 50/50 hindsight, I did not enjoy my time fully because I took it for granted.

Another lesson in life I must learn, even at my age is to not take things for granted. It's something everyone knows but does not fully come into account until you leave a certain place where you think back and say "man, time went by way too fast and I miss it now." That's the feeling I have at the moment.

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Martial Artist, International Traveler, Fitness Maniac, action actor aspirations and a crazy love of eating too many peanuts & almonds...

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
United States
Member Since
November 2, 2009