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Awesome Viddy Game Nerd review - Mass Effect 2|令人驚嘆,VIDDY的遊戲迷測評——質量效應2|令人惊叹,VIDDY的游戏迷测评——质量效应2

Time to nerd the hell out of myself. I remember reviewing on the game Bioshockdeveloped by 2k years ago. Now that belongs to the past. Last year i found out about  Fallout 3 designed by Bethesda Game Studios and it completely blew my mind, i ranked it 9.4/10, given its hugely diversed gameplay, intense story telling, plus many other amazing features, which gained quite a few awards for the developers including Game of the Year 2008, with more than 5 million copies sold worldwide; but this too belong to the past. Now lets talk about the reason to my nerd out.  

Mass Effect 2, developed by Bioware, is an action rpg, set in the year 2183, it is released on january 26 2010, by march it has sold more than 6.6 million copies. The developers confirmed that the combat system has been upgraded, with everything from the feel of the combat to the A.I. being improved, including realistic damage modeling and downed enemies still continuing to crawl and fight. The characters in Mass Effect 2 are more detailed not only graphically, but technically. In the original Mass Effect, Commander Shepard only had 20 animations for cover, while in Mass Effect 2, the character has over 200. The world is also more open-ended in this installment; uncharted worlds, which the player could explore for "cheap thrills" in the first game, are now more detailed and include more to explore.

A new feature during conversations is a context-sensitive interrupt system: in addition to Renegade and Paragon dialogue options, Shepard is able to interrupt the dialogue when prompted to do so with on-screen controls, again along Paragon or Renegade paths.

The M35 Mako is not included for planetary exploration in Mass Effect 2 with improved gameplay sections from in the first game. Instead, a Kodiak drop shuttle, which the player cannot directly pilot, transports the player to areas of immediate interest.

Characters are now able to use any weapon their class is trained for at full effect, meaning the player is no longer required or able to invest in weapon skills. Armor skills have also been removed and there are no longer class restrictions on armor. Instead, armor is controlled through purchases of upgrades or individual components and is applied piecemeal, with different armor components providing different bonuses to damage, health, and other skills.

I only played this game for few hours yesterday and is already drawn into it. the main reason is i can feel the amount of time the game designers had spent to creat this futuristic world, the characters, technology, story, and huge database on history background. i know i m a huge nerd.

try to play this game and find out how eerie this futuristic world is. it is the first time i avoid reading spoilers for a game, and this is it. if fallout 3 is the best of 2008, then mass effect is definitely the one for 2010, hands down baby!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-CDNLYZ0zA |

是時候趕走對遊戲的沉迷了。記得,以前寫過《生化奇兵》的測評,幾年前由 2K公司開發,現在已經OUT咯。去年,我發現了《Fallout 3》,由Bethesda 遊戲工作室開發,完全令我感到驚奇。我給這個遊戲評的等級是9.4/10,獨特的情節,吸引人的講故事手法,以及其它許多令人著迷的特點。此遊戲開發商獲得了2008年度,遊戲評選的諸多獎項,全世界銷量突破500萬張。不過,這個遊戲也OUT了,我還是講講,現在,是什麽遊戲讓我如此著迷吧。  

質量效應2——由Bethesda開發的一款RPG(角色扮演)動作遊戲, 遊戲時間設定在2183年。該遊戲於2010年1月26日發布,直到3月,已經售出了660多萬張。開發商提升了遊戲作戰系統,包括AI(人工智能)在內 的,所有作戰的感受。被改進的還有,逼真的損傷模式,被擊倒的敵人仍然會爬行和射擊。同時,角色更豐富了,不僅僅是造型方面,還包括技術層面。在第一代遊 戲中,指揮官Shepard 僅僅裝備了20件武器,而在質量效應2中武器已經超過了200種。在這一代遊戲中,世界更加的無限制,完全是未知的。上一代遊戲中,玩家可以進行初級的探索,而這一代,有更多的細節和更多探索區域。

對話的新功能——情境敏感中斷系統。除通過對話選擇做叛徒或英雄 外,Shepard還可以隨時中斷對話,進行屏幕操作,選擇是做叛徒還是英雄。

一代中,用來行星探索的M35鯊魚沒有了,取而代之的是,科迪亞克下降穿梭 機,玩家不能直接駕駛它,它可以運輸玩家到感興趣的區域。

遊戲角色可以全面運用各種武器,都已經通過了訓練。也就是說,玩家不用再去 花時間在武器技巧上。裝甲技能也取消了,再也沒有裝甲課程的限制。裝甲可以通過升級購買,或單個組件組裝。不同的組件有不同的損傷、壽命補償,還有其它技能等等。

我昨天,玩了僅僅幾個小時,就已經著迷了。主要是因為,我可以感受到,遊戲 設計者花了大量的時間來創造這個未來世界的一切,包括角色、技術、故事、大量的歷史背景資料。我知道,我是個超級遊戲迷。

努力的玩遊戲來探索這個未來世界,這是我第一次不看遊戲劇情介紹,是的就是 這樣。如果說《Fallout 3》是2008年最好的遊戲,那麽《質量效應2》無疑就是2010最好的那個,輕而易舉的,寶貝!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-CDNLYZ0zA|

是时候赶走对游戏的沉迷了。记得,以前写过《生化奇兵》的测评,几年前由2K公司开发,现在已经OUT咯。去年,我发现了《Fallout 3》,由Bethesda 游戏工作室开发,完全令我感到惊奇。我给这个游戏评的等级是9.4/10,独特的情节,吸引人的讲故事手法,以及其它许多令人着迷的特点。此游戏开发商获得了2008年度,游戏评选的诸多奖项,全世界销量突破500万张。不过,这个游戏也OUT了,我还是讲讲,现在,是什么游戏让我如此着迷吧。  

质量效应2——由Bethesda开发的一款RPG(角色扮演)动作游戏,游戏时间设定在2183年。该游戏于2010年1月26日发布,直到3月,已经售出了660多万张。开发商提升了游戏作战系统,包括AI(人工智能)在内的,所有作战的感受。被改进的还有,逼真的损伤模式,被击倒的敌人仍然会爬行和射击。同时,角色更丰富了,不仅仅是造型方面,还包括技术层面。在第一代游戏中,指挥官Shepard 仅仅装备了20件武器,而在质量效应2中武器已经超过了200种。在这一代游戏中,世界更加的无限制,完全是未知的。上一代游戏中,玩家可以进行初级的探索,而这一代,有更多的细节和更多探索区域。





努力的玩游戏来探索这个未来世界,这是我第一次不看游戏剧情介绍,是的就是这样。如果说《Fallout 3》是2008年最好的游戏,那么《质量效应2》无疑就是2010最好的那个,轻而易举的,宝贝!Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-CDNLYZ0zA

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