UndergroundHK The
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AnD thanks for featuring us!

Well our new website is nearly ready to launch - amazing to think that over 200 bands have played at our shows (more than 90% of them Hong Kong bands), that we're just about to release a Compilation CD box set ( in fact #1 of many more we hope) and that big boys like Cathay Pacific think we're worth sponsoring.   And that we're adding a third venue to bring the 'lighter' side of The Underground to HK people ;)

We all have Joe Bananas to blame for all this back then in April 2004.....

Thanks to...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Adding a blog entry

Time for another blog entry - just to tell you we're very busy with the new website - very excited about unveiling it soon.  Moving information about 73 past shows and 6 future shows AND information on 200+ bands takes time.  Thanks for your patience.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

South China Morning Post seem supportive of live music....

Well Joyce Siu wrote a great article in the SCMP today.

It was fun to see my photo again in the SCMP, I liked how I was referred to as "Lead singer of Thinking Out Loud".    Sounds more normal than "Godmother of Rock" hahaahahahahahaha

It was taken at Underground 65 last Friday - on stage was

Here's a link to the article - copied out (it looks cooler on scmp.com website but you have to have subscrīption...)

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接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

The Underground goes global....

inch by  inch!

We're organising some Underground Shenzhen shows, starting in September.   Once a month to spread the Underground tentacles....

Plus we're launching Compilation CD 1 in September and that will be for sale WORLDWIDE! 

AND our website is going to be relaunched by the beginning of September - which means right now we're not updating the site apart from the dates of future gigs (http://undergroundhk.com/past.html)Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


Since 2004, we have organised 300+ live music shows, reviewed 400+ bands, mentored bands, released compilation CDs & contributed to the Hong Kong live music


Hong Kong
July 18, 2008