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Double Trouble

This was a recent project (not yet completed) for a client. I couldn't decide which direction to take so I did both, any preferences?

  1. Hand sketch and Photoshop.

  1. Watercolour & Ink on Watercolour Paper.

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BadabOOoooM Hello 2011

Happy New Year to one and all

  • My nickname is Pirate btw, hence the drawing below. I did it as part of the latest comic book series for the manfriend. You can check out the full adventure here:


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Merry Christmas

May the jolly fat man be good to you this weekend. Tinsel tickles.Tx

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Sunday Scribbles

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Shiny Happy Smiley People

Recently poured some capital investment into a sparkly new mac - exciting technological tingles

For some UNKNOWN reason I also purchased a neon pink cover, so I now look like the owner of a sexy barbie robot.

I decided to head back to my Photoshop roots and produce a piece of shiny happy pop-art-esque sickeningly smiley beautiful people....

13 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Video - Visual Venacular

I showed this at Speak Up! this week.

I would love to collab with someone who has editing skiiiiills (unlike my primary school basic attempts). If you are interested pls send me a msg....

Speaking of collaborations, The tunage is Portishead & Moloko "fun for me". A fine example of creative mish mash harmony.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDuIG7Kas6c

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Speak Up! Nov Edition

Doing a presentation of my latest paintings this evening at Speak Up! - Pics to follow.

Done a couple of add-in sketches for the slideshow I put together despite raging man-flu (the deadliest type of sniffles - symptoms: self pity and achey bones).

Will post the vid this week:

Come down to Philia and check out this month's line up if you are in town.

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13 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Productive procrastination

Lots of work to achieve - check

Little time in which to complete it - check

Worlds best intentions to be SUPER WORKER BEE - check (I could honestly win a medal) ....

Finding immense volumes of other things to achieve instead of tackling your to-do list - CHECK uggghh!!!

I tell myself that I need to put pen to paper in order to get in THE ZONE (ala Britney) but if im playing truthsies then yes I am proactively seeking tasks to distract me. Im not lazy about this, in fact quite the opposite - never am...Read more

13 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Mega Megi


Reality:Gloriously clean clear fresh blue sunny skies

Id planned a  PJ paint lockdown with inappropriate amounts of chocolate and a dash of 24 season 8 for pre bedtime treat time.

I still did that... just managed to also squeeze in some of that GORGEOUS PERFECT weather we were blessed with.


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接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Ambassadors of Design

Remember this post a little while back:


With this piece:

"And then I Knocked..."

Well it will be on display along with some of the other entries and of course, the c...Read more

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


Illustrator, cat obsessive unicorn believer and future castle owner.


Hong Kong
November 21, 2008