演员, 音乐监製, 歌手
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Its so pity...I felt sorry

I am so glad that  I was "IN"  my first day movie shooting of  that LARGE production . I must say that Im very very sorry  and very pity that I can't carry on...For my own serious reasons and Im sure all of crews are understanding......

Thanks for the director and crews ....I missed the great chance to act with MR.Morgan Freeman...But by a short acting interflow with him is my great honor in my whole life.I felt pity and deeply SAD to sorrow...Read more

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電影《蝙蝠俠黑夜之神》昨日正式於中環擺花街 進行首場拍攝,千呼萬喚始出來的「蝙蝠俠」 主角 基斯頓比爾 終於現身中環, 小弟非常有幸可參與電影《蝙蝠俠黑夜之神》, 雖然只係好小既戲份, 但能夠成為其中一份子,實感榮幸,我會加倍努力,多謝大家 支持!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Fake Dog V.S Real Dog at shooting location

Although my hand 's not get well yet, the shooting still carry on(thats made me pain when I hold the gun,of course I kept that silent) .

One thing made me happy and  funny that was a fake dog 替身假狗  V.S the real dog at the location. It's Fun... We were shooting  a scene we need to hit n kill the dog , so the crews made us a fake dog 替身假狗 and the fun part was the r...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Visited Ryan Hui + Frank Lau

Been Visited Ryan 's photo shooting 2 days ago at Frank 's studio, which make me felt TIME GOES BY...coz I met both of them almost 7 years till now. I still remembered Ryan came to my perfomace shows at year 2000 haha...now I stopped by his peformances all the time or we did shows together....

As Frank, he is my favour photographer n director  in this creative Industry , for sure he's my good friend as well.I love his skills,his style,his studios, his awsome home....I grateful that he always gives me hands whe...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Movie Shooing "I Come With The Rain"

 I m gald that Im IN "I come with the rain" which make me meet 木村拓哉 and 李秉憲..hehe and Im looking forward to see Josh Hartnett  International Star. Beside, thats a great flim production system Im sure every crews and actors are enjoying.Shooting should be finished by Mid Oct(Hong Kong) .Lets share the movie clips at that time(not good idea to post any photos now,respect for the movie coz it still shootin )   Bre...Read more

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在進行閉關的動作,而需要閉關當然是為迎接期待已久的人和事作自我調節(這需要很大量的耐性和誠意),我會視為考驗,而距離這一天不遠了,雖然已是一波7折,變數仍在,但有志者事竟成. 而在這閉關期間,亦要為之前未完成的音樂,廣告工作”執手尾”,一切尚好. 當然還要為每年一度的演藝人協會的萬聖節派對(10月31日)作參與統籌,可望今年更好玩,待會可和大家分享去年的照片. 可喜的是小弟雖在閉關,很少”蒲頭”, 我”竟然”接拍了一部由法國導演執導,與法國,香港和中國三地演員合作的法國電影10月4日開拍,對白是英語的.說英語對我不是太大難度,只怕情況像上次和應小姐合作要背国語對白一樣,不能字字記得,因小弟演戲是演對白的意思,不習慣只讀對白出來,這是缺點吧...但不要緊,因我不是第一次用英語演戲了,記憶中上次是幾年前和王敏德用英語演對手戲.而我用”竟然”來形容接了這工作,是因為我沒有想過有機會能參與這麼国際化的製作呢.

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Hong Kong
August 3, 2007