Stephen Liu
製片人, 美食评论家, 杂志编辑
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It is 5:30 AM...October 12th...2006...I've become once again nocturnal, once again frozen.My memory a document, unedited.Words like crayons, childish and muddy.But she fell in love with them.To become a word, to become a love letter.A flower in her hair.Naked in this light,A autumn leaf at my foot,Lets wake this october,forget the winters sleep.Kiss the wind, then each other.As you stand, in the

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What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why, I have forgotten, and what arms have lain Under my head till morning; but the rain Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh Upon the glass and listen for reply, And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain For unremembered lads that not again Will turn to me at midnight with a cry. Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree, Nor knows what birds

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It is incredible how time changes our lives. like watching the clouds sink as you fly above. all histories just wash away and you sink into sleep.

When you think you know love can it ever live permanently as just a thought?

Does anyone believe they can truly define love? ; here we see that the dictionary tries:


Pronunciation: 'l&v Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old

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Outside the moon has buried itself into the shadow of the earth. All the clouds allow is a glimpse of a faintly gray ghostly body haunting the night sky.

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Today I showed both weakness and strength. If I accept the love of a girl who has a distant boyfriend she cares for but is always hurt by am I then a hypocrite? I vowed not to be like Glenn ever, and take advantage of a couple in weakness for my own good. I am not going to listen the the faults that are had of this boy by this girl. I am not going to base my sole judgement of him by these

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What a messed up age; 27 and it hasn't even been a month yet. although I must say it is much better than 26, and even more so than 25. maybe it is to be my best year. or pehaps I just could/just should care less. it is much too trivial to place happiness on an age. That's what sleeplessness does though I guess. it turns a man (or woman) into what i've become on this night. fuzzy.

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social entrepreneur...


Los Angeles, United States
April 15, 2007