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So What
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About So What

So What was born in the fall of 2005. So What features Shirley on bass and keyboard. Jan is the lead singer, and Rani: She bangs the gong. Each band member has been in several other local Hong Kong bands beforehand.

In forming So What but we wanted to create a new style of Hong Kong band: an indie band that plays western-chinese inspired pop rock and sings in Putongua....

As if the band didn't keep us busy enough, we've all got day jobs too - our skills range from teaching, marketing and selling... skills that sure come in handy when dealing with the admin/business side of rock n roll!!


So What have something to say. Whether it’s anger at hypocritical American leadership (War Monkey) or the intensity of bereavement of a soul mate (Silent Tears), their message is loud and clear and they proud to share it. So What – Shu Wo “Mine”. Theirs. Hearts on sleeves.

Evolving from the three regular-gigging local pop’n rock combos, this line up features Shirley Choi on bass, keyboards and sometime kutsang, Jan Lee sings, also she’s a dab on the erhu, violin and guitar…and Rani: She bangs the gong.

Influences: “anything with a good tune really” says Shirley in her ‘quite English’ accent. Pushed for specifics, we are told Mozart, Chopin and Coldplay, U2, Nat King Cole, Depeche Mode and Sting. Get it on…. Next up it’s Jan with, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Suzanne Vega, Stevie Wonder, Nick Drake, Sinead O’Connor and again U2. Rani? Beyond, Queen, Chick Corea, Dave Weckl, Peter Erskine….

We need to know whether this is just another girlie band. What about labels? “Indies or Brands?” comes the reply. We have our answer.

In fact this band is something else. A mix of classic professionalism, contemporary relevance, a can-do-got-done attitude - with a single release plus music video already aired on TV, and all that whilst remaining gig-less, having been formed for less than a corporate quarter.

“Make sure the bio makes clear we are unique”. OK…..So What are from Hong Kong, but uniquely they’re not Canto-pop, they’re Chinese but their music is a unique fusion of Chinese rock and Western pop. They are not out there to be cutesy pop starlets, they simply want to share their music and message “Its social awareness, the importance of doing what you love and of course, rock and roll!” Image and substance, quite unique, in fact.

What about a record deal? There is no answer, just blank, perhaps quizzical faces, turning to laughter.

So What will follow up with a new song and video whenever they have something to say. And a few things to say, they have.

Management contact: Matt Hutchison

So What 音樂的背後都是充滿了有意義的信息。例如「戰爭猴子」當中的詞,帶出現時 大美國主義及世界警察的虛偽及其中的矛盾。 在「爸爸媽媽的微笑」中,詞句透過微笑而鈙述父母對子女的愛.

每一首 So What的歌, 都有自己的靈魂和特別信息, 所有 So What的音樂都是原創音樂, 一點一滴都代表著一份 So What 對音樂的誠意及認真。

So What 是來自香港, 但並不是獨唱廣東歌, So What 的音樂是融合了中式的搖滾 和西式的 「樂與怒」。希望喚醒社會人士對戰爭,人權及感情的故事。


So What 成員簡介


由四歲開始學習鋼琴,持有英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴文憑, 曾在英國多項鋼琴比賽中嬴取各項賽事。 能作曲,作詞, 鋼琴演奏,低音結他, 古箏及木琴等各種樂器。 畢業於美國著名學府,取得商業管理系學士和古典音樂系學士, 及工商管理系碩士文憑。對世界和平,環境保護, 以及各地民族的生活點滴,情懷, 都抱有獨特的見解。更將其情感,訊息, 溶入樂曲之中,令聽者不期然有一份親切的感覺。 而最喜愛的樂隊則是蕭邦, Evanescence, Rachmaninoff, Coldplay 及U2。


樂隊的主音歌手,自小已迷上音樂。 八歲開始學習小提琴,但不久便發覺歌唱 才是她最熱愛的表達方法。六年前,Jan是三藩市(舊金山)一支流行樂隊的和唱歌手, 自此對歌唱更義無反顧。除了歌唱外, 她也喜歡彈結他(吉他),閒來也會奏二胡。 她最受Kate Bush,Joni Mitchell及Suzanne Vega 的音樂薰陶。


中學畢業後開始學習爵士鼓,並一直以打鼓作為業餘興趣,多年來擔任多支業餘樂隊的鼓手。2001年間組成的爵士樂隊Consonance,於香港通利琴行舉辦的「2001原音樂隊比賽」中脫穎而出,成為當晚的總冠軍。2001年末Consonance解散後隨即加入搖滾樂隊The RED,多次參與多位香港影視紅星的宴會作表演嘉賓,更與多位樂壇前輩合作演出。2005年末在蔡的穿針引線下組成了So What,展開了為原創音樂敲鼓及進入錄音室錄音等新嘗試。

|So What是由三个香港女孩组合而成的超级流行摇滚乐队,成员包括负责作曲作词,弹低音结他,琴键的Shirley Choi,唱歌的Jan Lee及敲锣手Rani,她们都是独当一面的摇滚音乐家。

So What音乐的背后都是充满了有意义的信息。例如「战争猴子」当中的词,带出现时大美国主义及世界警察的虚伪及其中的矛盾。在「爸爸妈妈的微笑」中,词句透过微笑而鈙述父母对子女的爱.

每一首So What的歌,都有自己的灵魂和特别信息,所有So What的音乐都是原创音乐,一点一滴都代表着一份So What对音乐的诚意及认真。

So What是来自香港,但并不是独唱广东歌, So What的音乐是融合了中式的摇滚和西式的「乐与怒」。希望唤醒社会人士对战争,人权及感情的故事。


So What成员简介


由四岁开始学习钢琴,持有英国皇家音乐学院钢琴文凭,曾在英国多项钢琴比赛中嬴取各项赛事。能作曲,作词,钢琴演奏,低音结他,古筝及木琴等各种乐器。毕业于美国著名学府,取得商业管理系学士和古典音乐系学士,及工商管理系硕士文凭。对世界和平,环境保护,以及各地民族的生活点滴,情怀,都抱有独特的见解。更将其情感,讯息,溶入乐曲之中,令听者不期然有一份亲切的感觉。而最喜爱的乐队则是萧邦, Evanescence, Rachmaninoff, Coldplay及U2。


乐队的主音歌手,自小已迷上音乐。八岁开始学习小提琴,但不久便发觉歌唱才是她最热爱的表达方法。六年前,Jan是三藩市(旧金山)一支流行乐队的和唱歌手,自此对歌唱更义无反顾。除了歌唱外,她也喜欢弹结他(吉他),闲来也会奏二胡。她最受Kate Bush,Joni Mitchell及Suzanne Vega的音乐薰陶。


中学毕业后开始学习爵士鼓,并一直以打鼓作为业余兴趣,多年来担任多支业余乐队的鼓手。 2001年间组成的爵士乐队Consonance,于香港通利琴行举办的「2001原音乐队比赛」中脱颖而出,成为当晚的总冠军。 2001年末Consonance解散后随即加入摇滚乐队The RED,多次参与多位香港影视红星的宴会作表演嘉宾,更与多位乐坛前辈合作演出。 2005年末在蔡的穿针引线下组成了So What,展开了为原创音乐敲鼓及进入录音室录音等新尝试。

Interesting facts about So What

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name So What
Member Since June 19, 2007
Fans 37
Profile Views 45,419



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
June 19, 2007