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Cine Fan Summer International Film Festival 2015 Programme and Opening Film

17 July 2015 (Hong Kong) – The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society Limited (HKIFFS) has announced the opening and closing films as well as the complete programme of Cine Fan Summer International Film Festival (SIFF) 2015 today. This year the programme will showcase a wide variety of 32 films with a total of 59 screenings. The festival sees the return of master directors at the top of their form; presents some manic pop culture films fresh from Japan; and a short survey of classic Hollywood films that define the screwball comedy.

SIFF 2015 is delighted to open on 11 August with The Assassin directed by renowned director HOU Hsiao-Hsien starring SHU Qi, CHANG Chen and TSUMABUKI Satoshi. Awarded Best Director when it world premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2015, HOU spent seven years adapting the seventh-century Chinese legend to the most ravishingly beautiful film of his 35 year career. HOU will also lead the public Master Class on 12 August at The Grand Cinema.

The festival premieres will continue with the Hong Kong gala screening of Wild City directed by Ringo LAM, starring Louis KOO, Shawn YUE, Joseph CHANG, TONG Liya and Michael TSE. The film marks the return of Hong Kong action veteran Ringo Lam after a 12-year hiatus from the crime genre where he made his global reputation with breakthrough films such as City on Fire and Full Alert. Wild City issues a warning to the greedy and selfish lost souls in Hong Kong in its tale of our modern and gritty world where people blindly worship money.

The festival will also present four acclaimed latest releases from Japan: Love & Peace directed by SONO Sion, Yakuza Apocalypse by MIIKE Takashi, Prophecy by NIKAMURA Yoshihiro and Flying Colors directed by DOI Nobuhiro.

As in previous editions, SIFF will continue its popular programme of immaculate classics including A Touch of Zen by King HU now restored to its original glory, The Double Life of Veronique directed by Krzysztof KIESLOWSKI which won Best Actress award for Irene JACOB at the 1991 Cannes Film Festival, and the perennially popular Love Letter by IWAI Shunji.

SIFF will also feature The Battle of the Sexes: Screwball Comedy which covers six films that define the history of Hollywood romantic comedies since the 1930s. The six selected films are Trouble in Paradise, It Happened One Night, My Man Godfrey, His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia and The Lady Eve.

Irrational Man, directed by Woody ALLEN will close the SIFF on 25 August. In his latest film, Woody ALLEN plays with ideas of modern philosophy with one of his favourite actresses, the entrancing Emma STONE. The film makes a remarkable ending to the festival.

Cine Fan Summer International Film Festival 2015 will be held from 11 to 25 August 2015. Tickets will be on sale via URBTIX from 21 July onward.

2015 年 7 月 17 日(香港) - 香港國際電影節協會公佈今年 Cine Fan 夏日國際電影節 2015 (SIFF) 的精采節目,包括開幕及閉幕電影。今年電影節將由世界各地挑選 32 部佳 作放映 59 場,並以台灣大師導演侯孝賢的《刺客聶隱娘》為開幕電影。

憑《刺客聶隱娘》榮獲 2015 康城影展最佳導演獎的侯孝賢,與舒淇、張震及妻夫木聰 等合作,以去戲劇化的處理去看唐朝的傳奇世界,成就一部美感空前的武俠片。影片於 康城甫曝光便被認定為最佳電影,是次成為夏日國際電影節的開幕電影可謂實至名歸。 侯孝賢導演更將於 8 月 12 日的大師班中,與一眾影迷分享電影心得。

今年電影節將選映四部日本最新話題作,類型和風格十分多元化,包含魔幻、青春勵志、 懸疑、黑幫、殭屍等不同題材——園子溫的《愛與和平魔法龜》、三池崇史的《極道大 戰爭》、中村義洋的《預告犯》及由土井裕泰執導的《奇蹟補習社》。

於為期 15 日的活動中,電影節一如既往安排廣受影迷歡迎的經典重溫,包括胡金銓的 《俠女》(最新修復版)、奇斯洛夫斯基執導、愛蓮謝歌主演並勇奪 1991 康城影展最佳 女主角的《兩生花》,以及岩井俊二膾炙人口的《情書》。

今年另一矚目盛事是林嶺東十二年後復出執導之《迷城》香港首映禮。由古天樂、余文 樂、張孝全、佟麗婭、謝天華等領銜主演,配以拿手的警匪風雲格局及實景飛車場面, 林嶺東藉現今敵我混亂黑白難分的社會氛圍,以《迷城》作出發人深省的反思,亦為其 「城市三部曲」的完結篇。

電影節今年的專題節目,將嚴選六部無定向神經喜劇,主題環繞愛情與兩性關係,每部 均出自名導之手,即《天堂豔史》、《一夜風流》、《再度劉郎》、《寶窗選婿》、《舊 歡新寵》及《鞋邊蝶》,讓年輕觀眾有機會在觀影筆記簿裡開啟黃金時期荷里活一頁。

由活地阿倫執導的《情迷失控點》將會為今年電影節劃上完美句號。此閉幕電影中活地 阿倫與愛瑪史東再度合作,把校園道德故事拍出黑色幽默,《罪與罰》與希治閣一爐共 冶。

Cine Fan 夏日國際電影節2015於8月11日至25日舉行,門票將於7月21日於城市售票網 URBTIX公開發售。

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