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Talk about utter stupidity...

I know teenagers can be pretty stupid at times (I was one) but how STUPID and irresponsible can you be to do this to a kid when you're the adult!!! Bartender no less (I was one too)!!!

(From BBC online Feb 11, 09)

Barman tried over fatal tequila



A tequila shot (file pic)

The Mexican liquor is made with juice from the cactus-like agave plant


S SFA Berlin barman has gone on trial accused of having served a 16-year-old boy 45 tequila shots, which killed him.The barman is charged with having "fatally injured" the boy in his bar in February 2007. The barman has admitted responsibility, German media report.The 28-year-old barman, identified only as Aytac G, allegedly had a drinking bet with the schoolboy, but poured mostly water for himself.The boy fell into a coma with alcohol poisoning, and died four weeks later.

E SFThe case triggered outrage in Germany and a heated debate about binge drinking by teenagers.Two men aged 18 and 21, who encouraged the 16-year-old to down the tequilas, were sentenced in November to complete a compulsory social training course.E BOProsecutors accuse the barman of having also served alcohol illegally to youths on 173 occasions in 2005-2007.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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