Official Artist
Serena Choong
MC / Show Host , DJ
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Fluffy Duffy

So Duffy performed @ Singapore indoor stadium last Sunday. I felt like I went back to the 60s!

Duffy: Aim achieved! (Apparently that's what she wanted)

And here we were at the one-on-one earlier in the day:

Felt all warm & fuzzy after meeting her. She reminded me of my Welsh aunty Irene who used to bring me cookies when I was sick when I was a kid ;) Holla!

And here's the hotel:

That's some crazy intricate carvings @ the lobby!

Sunset from the room

I always feel like I'm @ Disneyland - the world's happiest place - when I see Terry. I wonder why... must be them colors!

Terryteylee was in town long enough to take me to a nice place called Dempsey Hill for lunch. Much love kid!

ALL this in a span of 24 hours!

PS. Some kickass DimSum @ Red somethin... oops forgot the name.

Shopping. But of course!

A few pints @ Paulanders - would highly recommend that. Nothing like wings and drinks after a concert.

Stuffing my face with the hotel's CRAZY buffet.

(Figured I wouldn't bore u with these pics ;)


Here's to a great weekend!

More pints and great company!

First - Gonna go sweat some with Combat!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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