Official Artist
Scott Tang
Composer , Musician , Singer
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Blog: Tuesday, Sep 16

What's up people. Alright, it's been a long time since I posted something about music. I had a really busy summer. But despite my neglecting to post any updates, I've actually been working like crazy on my third album for the past month and a half.

Here's proof:

See, 6.14 GB of new music so far. OK, not all of it's the actual album, a lot of it is just my sketches of the new album - experimenting, playing with new sounds and ideas, etc. This is actually gonna be kind of a departure for me in terms of sound and production. I know that some people will hear it and go, "what the hell is this?" But it's what's been turning me on artistically, so I know what I'm doing is right. Whether or not I'm creating something that people are actually going to enjoy, of course, is still up in the air.

Something that's been slowing me down, unfortunately, is my old-ass computer. I've had this thing for about five years now, and I bought it used, so it's about seven years old. Plus those first two years of its life were hard livin: it belonged to an aspiring porn producer who smoked a lot of weed while working on it. I know cause when I got it, all the dust and dirt that was stuck up in the fans reeked of it. Seven years is like a hundred in computer years, OK? It's even worse than dog years. In fact, if my computer were a dog, it'd be that dog that won the world's ugliest dog contest all those times. It'd be this guy:

And unlike the dog above, my computer isn't even winning any contests. The only thing I won for getting rid of all the porn and marijuana byproduct that my computer initially came with was a sense of relief.

At any rate, I thought I could get away with doing one more album on this computer and besides, I couldn't afford a new one. So I'm trying to make it last as long as I can. But it's been hard.

Here's a screenshot of the mixing window on my sequencer:

Those meters move like every five seconds. For all you non-music folks out there: that's not what's supposed to happen.

Anyway, I just wanted to post something to let you guys know that I'm working hard on my third record, and even though the sound is gonna be a little different, I think my songwriting is getting better than ever. So hopefully that'll balance out whatever makes you think "world's ugliest dog" about the production.

If not, well, you can kiss my ass. haha, just kidding (kind of).

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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October 19, 2007