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Scott Tang
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Bad Dream in E Major

Last night I dreamt that I was minutes away from playing a set at the Hotel Cafe and I couldn't find a piano to practice on. OK, it was a nightmare (the idea that I had actually scored a gig at Hotel Cafe should should be a tip-off that it was not based in reality).

I dreamt that the owner of the Hotel Cafe had this huge house connected to it, and I was running around trying to find a piano because I was supposed to play a song I hadn't played in years and couldn't remember it. But all the pianos he had in the house were these busted-up, antiques that wouldn't make a sound no matter how hard you banged on them. There were all these people running around in knit caps and skinny jeans that were all ready to play their whisper rock, but I could not find a piano to remind myself how this old pop song I'd written went.

Then suddenly I was running around a department store, asking all these saleswomen if they knew where I could find a piano, but they all vanished into thin air every time I approached one of them.

Finally I found a section where they were selling musical instruments, but all they had as far as the eye could see were MPCs and beatboxes and DJ gear. The only keyboards they had were these little consumer Casio units with mini keys (this part might actually be somewhat based in reality).

When I woke up, I went right over to my keyboard and played the song (whew). For some reason whenever I dream of music, it always seems to be in Cmaj; even with this song, I had transposed it down a third in my sleep. Weird.

God I need to stop being so lazy and get back to practicing. I've been totally focused on finishing my third album and busy with my new job. But I think this dream was my brain telling me that's not a good enough excuse.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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