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Robynn Yip 葉晴晴
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星期一的大智慧。 word!!!!

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over 7 years ago 36 likes  0 comment  0 shares

報告今日巴士上無 Dirty 既婆婆 ? ?

over 7 years ago 1055 likes  0 comment  4 shares

這個是幻覺幻覺幻覺!!! 兩個大美女講話怎麼那麼不專心只想著吃的! ???? 無奈啊啊啊啊啊啊 !那好吧,八月十三號粉絲聚會來我們一起聚會吃東西玩遊戲! 哈哈!

詳情在 ROBYNN & KENDY 歌迷會 ! #fansgathering

Much love, - Corndog & 漢堡包 上

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over 7 years ago 210 likes  0 comment  3 shares

Look up and stay hopeful! 晚安啦!

almost 8 years ago 878 likes  0 comment  6 shares

Thank you Convoy for having us! A meaningful event ☺️ #Repost 「Robynn & Kendy灌輸理財知識 與學童打成一片」 日前,唱作組合Robynn & Kendy參與理財同樂日,親身參與跟小學生玩遊戲,體會輕鬆學習理財的樂趣。

身為義工之一的Robynn & Kendy樂在其中,透過「夾波子」和「疊杯子」這些小遊戲,教導小朋友理財觀念,與他們打成一片。二人表示:「我們好享受與小朋友相處的時間,以活動教學令他們更加容易明白理財觀念,希望日後我們都可以有更多機會參與公益活動,用音樂回饋社會!」

almost 8 years ago 210 likes  0 comment  0 shares

HAPPY SUNDAY! 陳奐仁 Hanjin Tan 也來陪我們一起 #hanjinsays 了! #robynnsayskendysays 獨立音樂人不簡單,自由自在背後很多事親力親為,加油啊Hanjin! enjoy our acoustic jam :)

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almost 8 years ago 509 likes  0 comment  0 shares

最近世界種種讓人痛心的事,讓我寫了一個demo...< I Don't Wanna Fight>. 有些歌,能否面世其實都不由我作主,但至少我能透過歌抒發心情,也能透過這平台抒發心聲,分享我在旋律中找到的文字;就算大家暫時聽不到 ☺️ 我有信心總有一天會。

"You're not supposed to win; you're just supposed to love."

Praying for the world. And trying my best to stay faithful and positive through it all, because we grow from our sufferings, and learn from our mistakes. 和平勝於一切。

almost 8 years ago 918 likes  0 comment  4 shares

The sun sets, so that it could rise on the other side of the world. #latergram

almost 8 years ago 583 likes  0 comment  3 shares

Till next time, New York! They say money can't buy happiness. But it can buy a plane ticket to the other side of the world. To a place of old memories, dreams, freedom, celebrations, and old friends. And the journeys on this trip has been pretty priceless. 畢業後基本上都沒有到美國的機會。隔了好幾年終於有機會回來這個地方,感覺既熟悉,又陌生,不過還是我很喜歡的一個地方。下次再見啦,紐約!

almost 8 years ago 539 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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almost 8 years ago 313 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 27, 2010