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richard trombly
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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The scariest thing about this is not that this design could never float nor that it needs to be steel reinforces to stay together... IT HAS A RUDDER.... and neither a sail nor a place for oars. The simple ignorance of hydrodynamics that for a rudder to work you need a means of propulsion, humans had discovered this over 10,000 years ago. A craft that has zero relative velocity to the flow of water can do nothing with a rudder. so why does it have a rudder???? This ignorance of science is unforgivable. Noone that is not totally ignorant would make a boat with a rudder and no means of propulsion. This "proves" the myth of Noah about as well as the Universal theme park Transformers ride PROVES Autobots fell to earth, All Hail Optimus Prime. He's more than meets the eye. The saddest thing is that we all paid for this anti-science and anti-reason monstrosity with tax money. It is a monument , but not to the religion, rather to the colossal ignorance of Americans.

about 8 years ago 70 likes  0 comment  71 shares


Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has

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english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
June 26, 2008