Official Artist
richard trombly
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Meiwenti Productions -- filmmakers and promoters wanted

http://www.meiwentiproductions.com/The Meiwenti Network empowers everyone to produce high-quality independent films cost-effectively. Our distribution network provides independent motion picture producers an enthusiastic worldwide audience. We enhance career-building experience and cultural exchange in the film industry, from novices to professionals.film projects film contest film screenings

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
I just checked out your website. it looks like an interesting concept. So you are trying to expand to other cities around the world? How many cities have you reached so far? I'm just interested to learn more about how the network actually works... thnx
almost 16 years ago


Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
June 26, 2008