Films at Beijing New International Movie Week. Since the Meiwenti Swat Chick party on Feb 26, I went to Beijing Feb 28-March 2 for the Beijing New International Movie Week, where I presented my Chinese language short films Dengdai (The Waiting) and Gua Shuo Shidian (Melon Harvest) to audiences in Beijing. My short films can be viewed at: The director (me) got a chance to have a question and answer session after the film. It seems the films were both well-received by the Beijing audience. The event was covered by local news media and I was interviewed by several reporters but I was unable to stick around to see the next night's news report.I basically got off the plane from Beijing and was right off to Kunming out in Yunnan Province, China. We did a whilrwind 2 week period of preproduction and opened filming on "Distance Runners" on March 17.
Richard Trombly is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has