Official Artist
Pedro Chaves
Director , Screenwriter
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Crazy week!

Waw, it definitly has been a crazy week.

First of all, I want to thank the honor of being an Official Artist on AnD, a site that I love since I arrived.

Now, the auditions for Reiki - The Moviestarted, and we got amazing actors and actresses, although we are still missing some characters.

But it was pretty funny, I'm know to make the weirdest auditions ever, and for that one I took one of my favorite friends and co-judge along: Simon!

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Reiki in the News


I got in the national newspapers today with a small article about Reiki the movie!

Check it out! :-)



over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Reiki The Movie - Part 1 - Intro

Howdy guys,

Since this stays one of my favorite sites, eventhough I've been negleting it a little lately, I decided to make a comeback stronger than ever, and as an appologie to have left I decided to write a blog about the whole pre-production, production and post-production of my upcoming feature film, not "39", but "REIKI", an action film that will kickass!

Now for details about the story you can always read the blog underneath this one, or check the synopsis on the site itself: Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

And here is the synopsis of "Reiki" the feature film!

During the Inquisition, Tomàs de Torquemada, created "The Order", a special section of the Church that had to stop the reincarnations of witches through the ages.

To stop the reincarnation of a witch, they would have to kill the witch with the sword "Reiki", the slayer of witches. By striking a witch with "Reiki", their chances of reincarnation would be annihilated, and fatal death would appear.

Since, the "Reisha" incident during 1603, the...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Reiki - The Movie

I decided to do a feature film before doing "39". The shooting will happen in March.

Now, for now I'll put a small resumee about the film, it's called "Reiki":


Early in the 15th century,

the Inquisition,

under Tomás de Torquemada created “The Order”


The Order was a section created

to eliminate

all the reincarnations of witches for the centuries to come.


Their members were trained assassins and monks,

known for th...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Specially for Alive not Dead the trailer of my last film!


Here is the trailer from my last short film.

And I decided to release it specially on AnD!

And will it will stay here! No youtube and shit. Exclusively AnD!


  Find more videos like this on Dream Journey Studios


over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares

Work and All that Jazz!


Yesterday after a great day on a studio, where I had to teach a group how to make films, I was dead tired, and went I went home I watched one great movie!


Bob Fosse rules! It's a great classic, of course it depends if you like musicals, but god, the last scene, the music, the set, the costumes area amazing!

Here is the final scene, enjoy it as much as I do:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNcl...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The begin credits


Well, the music for the trailer is not ready yet,

so until then, I'm showing you today the begin credits of the film,

I'm no pro in effects and others since I'm just a lazy director, so be honest and tell me what you think about those begin credits! If they suck like hell just go ahead and tell me!

  Find more videos like this on Dream Journey Studios


over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Rest In Peace Heath

I'm shocked,

just heard that Heath Ledger died a few hours ago!

Quoting the NYPost:


January 22, 2008 -- Actor Heath Ledger was found dead today in his Broome Street apartment, apparently from a drug overdose.Ledger, 28, was well known for his role in "Brokeback Mountain," and he stars in the upcoming "The Dark Knight" Batman movie as the Joker.He split last year from wife, Michelle Williams, with whom he has a daughter, Matilda. When he was found this afternoon, pills were strewn a...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares



Not much to do actually, and definitly not in the mood,

been writing whole day and that's more than enough. I wish my hands could type at the speed of my thoughts, but unfortunatly I'm not that lucky. And then I always keep forgetting ideas! Blame the toothfairy for that one though, I busted her one time at one of her visits and she told me she would grant me a wish: "a huge penis or a great memory", I never seem to remember what I chose...


I want to finish my last film (The Mirror) but ...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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