draculatoki 茶色金魚 P.L
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近況 (22-06-2011) / Recently (22-06-2011)

Recently Live 天然蜜糖香皂 / Honey Soap 經朋友介紹, 終於都得到了這個天然蜜糖香皂了, 以前洗完了澡以後皮點膚總是有點癢, 朋友告訴我可能是我的皮膚比較嫩, 所以敏感了; 試過用了這香皂洗完澡以後皮膚不癢了, 而且這一次認識了香皂的製作人 Emily, 她告訴我不少有關香皂的知識, 真是太好了。 :D如果有興趣知道有關香皂或是要找 Emily 的話, 到這個網站看看吧 : www.soapworld.webs.com我還有一個天然手製薑皂, 期待期待 ~I am happy to got this honey soap finally, sometimes i have an itch after bath, my frined told me how amazing of this soap, i had try and that's really work. and this time i have make a new friend - Emily , she is the Soap Cratfer who made this soap, and she told me some knowage of soap, awesome ~~ :DIf u have interest of the soap or wanna know more info., check this site when feel free :  www.soapworld.webs.com

And I've got one Handmade Ginger Soap, can't wait for try , ha ha ~ 天然手製薑皂 / Handmade Ginger Soap   ----------------------  Recently Work  *努力剪輯中 / Editing

*事前準備 / Prepair

工作方面, 正在替朋友製作一個繪藝視頻, 用作在他們婚禮上播放的, 內容是講述他們浪漫的愛情故事, 祝福你們, Teresa & Tony。 :DAnd my works, i am working on a new video, for my fd's wedding, is talking about their romantic & happiness love story


接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Ill 11 2011 01
re koko, _ そそ, お菓子みたい XD
接近 13 年 ago
Ill 11 2011 01
re polina, long time no see :D have a grat weekend
接近 13 年 ago
Ill 11 2011 01
re 阿術, _ 遺憾 ... 不能吃的 XD
接近 13 年 ago


以圖像代替言語.以創作代替虛榮 努力工作.盡情創作 let the [graphics/drawing] to substitute [talk], make the [creative works] to substitute [vanity]. work hard & create hard


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
March 2, 2008