Official Artist
Nigel Ong
Extreme Sports
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Extreme Game,簡稱X-Game。中文為極限運動。為什麼要稱之為極限運動?因為這類運動都是運用 一些工具去挑戰極限和地心吸力。正因為這是對與這種工具的挑戰 ,去創做自己的花式,所以極限運動都是個人的運動。有時 ,筆者不太認為這些叫做運動,雖然這些所謂的’運動’需要極大的體力,但它們表現出來的,卻是個人的獨特姿態 ,不能否認它們是一種藝術,這也是極限運動最有魅力之處。 

Extreme Game, is shortened to X-Game. The reason it called X-Game is because it uses tools to challenge the a person's limit and also gravity. The player use their tools to challenge so this is why X-Game is always personal sports. Sometimes, I don't think it's called a sport. Even these 'sports' need tons of energy, the way it performs, is a personal style. Don't deny it's an art. And this is why they are so attractive.


歷史最悠久的極限運動是滑浪(Surfing),接著便有滑板(Skateboarding),雪板(Snowboarding),單車(BMX)等極限運動的出現。早在八十年代的香港已經有X-Game的出現,這種文化經過二十多年的成長,由X-Game狂熱者的推廣,明星效應,及本身X-Game吸引力,至今大部份的香港人都知道及接觸過極限運動 。其中以滑板最為容易接觸到。因為你不需要其他特別裝備 ,不需要去任何地方,只要有一塊滑板及一個平地,便可以感受一下滑 流的滋味了。 

Surfing has the longest history in all X-Games. After that, skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, inline... etc were developed. In the 80s, X-Game had appeared in Hong Kong already. These culture grew for 20+ years, from the promotion of X-Game lovers, pop stars effect, and also the attraction of X-Game itself. Most of the Hong Kong public would know about X-Game. Skateboarding is the most popular among all X-Game in Hong Kong. Since you don't need any crazy gear, what you need is a skateboard and a flat ground. That's it.


在滑板登陸香港的時期,還是Old School滑板的年代,即是有尾沒頭的魚仔板,闊衫闊褲,注重個人風格多於花 式的年代;到現在New School的年代,香港的滑板文化都是有經歷過的。而滑板的高峰期可謂十年一 次,第一個滑板的高峰期在八十代尾和九零年代初,算是叫做Old School和New School的交接期。一班志同道合的滑板仔用自己的青春和血汗為香港的滑板史 寫了重要的一頁。當時街頭滑板文化正在全世界爆炸中 ,香港佔盡地利的優勢,在外國也沒有這麼多的地方可以街頭滑板 ,所以香港是當時最先發展街頭滑板文化的地方之一 。而香港滑板仔的技術在亞洲區來說可說是數一數二 ,更有兩位滑板仔到外國成為了職業滑板手。不過這股熱潮因為市場影 嚮而漸漸沒落,直至九零年代中期,香港的滑板簡直是到了谷底 。直至九七至九八,一個位於灣仔稅務大樓外公園的滑板天堂被人發現 ,直接帶起了另一個高峰期。可是根據一個滑板地方的自然定律 ,越多人玩滑板,那個地方的壽命便會越來越短,稅務大樓這地方在二 零零零年初經已變得冷凊凊了。究竟下一個高峰期又會在那時呢 ?經過上一代的滑板仔努力推廣,如今政府也積極建設滑板公園 。相信滑板興起的時候指日可待。 

Skateboarding in HK passed through the old school time, means the fish-shaped skateboard and super baggy cloth period, and the new school (now) period. The peak of skateboarding happened in every 10 years. The first peak happened at the end of 80s and the beginning of 90s.It's the connecting time of the old school and new school period. A group of skateboarders used their time and blood to create an important page in the skateboarding history in HK. At that time, street skating was exploding around the world. Hong Kong took the advantages since we had so much spots to skate. And Hong Kong became the head of asia in skateboarding, we were leading the trend. And our skill was one of the best in Asia, there were 2 skaters became professionals. Unfortunately, the market in Hong Kong didn't allow skateboarding to survive. Skateboarding started to go down. In the mid of 90s, it was like the end of skateboarding in HK. Until 96-97, a paradise of skateboarding was discovered, the I.T. Park. It directly lead skateboarding to another peak. As the nature of a skate spot, the more skaters at a spot, the shorter its life. I.T. was blocked at early 00s. When will be the next peak? Many skaters promoted HK skate culture for long, and government is now starting to build skate parks. I believe this day will come soon. 



香港與外國的滑板風氣最不同之處就是,香港是受著傳統中國文化的影 響,帶著含蓄的思想去接受外國這種大膽刺激的玩意 。這確實是一種衝激,兩種矛盾的特質融合而愆生的一種新文化 ,相信只有香港的滑板仔才能感受到。例如,滑板在香港人的心目中永 遠是負面的,他們會覺得這會是壞孩子才做的,滑板仔會去偷竊 ,吸毒,濫交等。。。當滑板仔在街上與著警察,有九成機會會被查身 份証,而且是受著極差的態度被查,筆者踩滑板九年 ,至今仍不明過中原因。這種既大膽,又害羞的文化你可以說是不咸不 淡的雜種文化,但卻活生生地展現在香港這個社會上 。香港這個商業社會,太多娛樂,太多各式誘惑,太多守舊觀念 ,卻仍有一班人對滑板不離不棄,這種精神認真可嘉。 

The difference of skate culture between HK and other countries is, Hong Kong people is greatly affect by the tradional culture, we are trying this exciting game with a shy mind. This is the culture borned in a big crash from 2 contradicting culture. I believe only Hong Kong skaters can feel this. For example, skater's image is always bad in Hong kong. People think only bad kids skateboard; And also they would think skaters do stealing, drugs and etc... If  you meet a cop in the street with your skateboard on hand, there is 90% that you will be checked; And you are always be checked impolitely. I had been skating for 9 years alerady and I still don't get it. This shy big guts is the mixed culture, it happened everyday in our home town, Hong Kong. In this commercial city, there are too much entertainment, too much temptation, too much old-fashioned mind. But there are still someone who never give up their skateboard. This is so prouded.



雖然香港的滑板界面對這眾多的問題和障礙,嚴重地影響了滑板在香港 的發展。但從另一方面看,這些限制和問題卻是滑板仔追逐自由和生命 的原動力。縱使香港滑板的發展遠遠不及其他國家,但在滑板仔心底裡 面,滑板的精神,熱誠和意義,是無所不及的 。因為滑板是個人的,也是對自我的一種啟發,所以如果真的要比較 ,也只可以和自己比較。滑板這一種藝術運動,你可以在不同的地方創 造不同的,自己喜愛的花式。還有不論跌過多少次,痛過多少次 ,從沒有信心到從拾信心,那種永不言敗的精神和創造力 ,是其他運動不能妣美的。你不相信?踏上滑板你便知道 ,我保証你不會後悔。

Even the Hong Kong skate scene are facing so many problem, and the problems greatly affect the growth of skateboarding. But on the other hand, these limitation and problems become the natural power of skater who are chasing freedom and life. Even our skating can never be compared with other countries(we are too shit!), but in our hearts, the spirit, the passion, and meaning of skateboarding, is so much meaningful. Since skateboarding is a personal sport, it's an inspiration to yourself, and you can only compare with yourself. Skateboarding is an art sport, you can create different tricks or favourite tricks in different places. No matter how many times you fall, you hurt; from losing confidence to getting back; the spirit of never say lost and the power of creation, cannot be compared to other sports. Don't you believe? You will know when you try to skateboard once, I promise that you won't regard.

over 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Photo 23522
It's a documentary video. You can get it from 8five2 shop, HKIT, Reach, double park and quiksilver. With english subtitle this time! And I will translate the article soon. Peace. Nigel.
over 17 years ago
雖然我的中文不太好...可是我看你所寫的覺得很感動! 我是一個八十年代開始的skateboarder...還記得那時候全港的skateboarder全部是朋友因為我們的數量是非常少! :-) 如果我們走路的時候看到一個人穿一件skate的T (或者戴skate的鞋 - like Airwalks! hahaha) 我們會馬上過去say what's up! hahahaha...還有那時候全港只有一間skateshop - bicycle world... 所以我看到你的blog更加感動... 以前也有一個music/skateboarding的雜誌叫由零開始...所以我一定明白你對skateboarding這種文化的感受... 寫的很好bro! :-) good luck with everything... peace, riz
over 17 years ago
Photo 23522
Hey, Riz, I don't know you can read and write chinese, SICK! Let's skate together sometimes with the ogs! Nigel.
over 17 years ago


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