Marie Jost
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Poem for Ha Jin

Ha Jin is an award-winning Chinese writer now living in the United States who publishes only in English.  I read an interview last weekend he gave at Powell's Bookstore a few years ago and was inspired to write this poem about the immigrant experience.  He and his wife decided after Tiannamin Square never to return to China.

Immigrant Story

a final leave-taking,

no return;

never to smell again the sweet-sour odor

that is all you now remember

of that place

where time holds you its cap...Read more

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First poem inspired by Alivenotdead artist

It didn't take long.  I've only been a member of this forum for a few days, and already the inspiration is flowing.

This afternoon I took a look at the work of a promising young photographer, Ohm Phanphiroj, and before I knew it, I had a poem in hand.  I just posted it on his guestbook in tribute.  Take a look, please.  While you're there, take a look at some of his work.  He already has a clear artistic vision, and he's still in his teens.  He really seems to connect with his subjects.  Nob...Read more

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Flamenco poem

A poem  inspired by this photograph of Rocio Molina, Miguel Poveda and Juan Carlos Romero.  It was taken by Daniel Muñoz, one of Spain's best photographers of live flamenco.  He is a co-founder of the important flamenco web site flamenco-world.com, where this and many more of his flamenco photographs can be viewed.

La que manda

(she who commands)

woman, existence orbits your amp...Read more

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Another Poem

Eva Yerbabuena is one of Spain's greatest living flamenco performers.  She combines astonishing technique with emotional depth and always brings something unexpected to her dancing.  Her dancing today often heralds what others will be doing tomorrow.

La Yerbabuena

Broken open by life—

My known self drained away,

Fear of the void filling my mouth,

Terror that I sha...Read more

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Although I do not make my living as a writer, I write.  I write all sorts of things--a novel, short stories, essays, reviews and, most recently, poetry--a lot of poetry.  Most of this poetry is inspired by other artists, musicians, dancers, actors and photographers.  A lot of my work  involves trying to capture in words the emotional impact of the works of these artists on me: to take the exquisite emotions music or a photograph evoke in me and translate them into language.  Sometimes I even think I succeed.


Love is everythi...Read more

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Looking around

 I've had my eye on alivenotdead.com for a few weeks and decided to join to find out more.  Came in through my interest in the work of Wing Shya and plan to stick around for a while.  While not Asian (pretty obvious in my photo, huh!), I'm trying to learn more about Asian, especially Chinese culture--contemporary as well as historical.  I've got a long way to go, but this looks like as good place as any to gauge the pulse of contemporary Chinese arts culture. 

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In Memoriam Leslie Cheung 1956-2003 Our Leslie, beautiful like a flower. I love you today and always-- a part of my heart beats for you alone, tonight a


english, french, spanish
United States
January 26, 2008