i am disappointed that when u are asked to be part of something,
commit to it even though it seemed to going nowhere,then u find out u are no longer part of it... it Sucks.from now when it comes to WORK favors, MONEY talks.i am seriously sick & tired of people asking for favors, advise and helponly to ignore u like some shit lying on the side of the pavement.and since i'm letting it out, let me share this too.people should realize that when u have 'friends',it works like any relationship, like a 2 way street.don't go bitching about your friends when u shut them out,especially when even they don't know what's wrong.'friends' are not mind readers.so stop being a prick pls.and if u wanna accuse someone,pls have the decency to keep them posted.otherwise its like shooting blanks in the dark.cos only u'd know what's going on in that tiny head of yourswhile the rest of the world and us continue with our lives, happy.so, pls stop shitting on the pavement.it's not healthy.