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ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW 歲月神偷 Movie Review. Come Take My Hand. Together let’s stroll down Memory Lane.


For the baby boomer, watching ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW can be an enriching experience in poetic indulgence.

For one, it stretches your imagination.

ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW is indeed, a mushy film.

It reeks of this powerful element called emotion.

It reaches your heartstrings and tugs.

Hear the echoes?

You eyes will swell with tears

You may reach for the tissue when you hear the familar echoes of LOVE amid rainbow hues chiming resonantly in your ears:

They beckon you to take note:

“Come take my hand …..

Together let’s stroll down memory lane.”

Shall we?

ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW shows us that love is universal.

LOVE transcends time, boundaries and creeds.

That there’s no greater journey than the one that leads you to love.


, if you can catch the breeze at the right time, you’ll have this surging feeling that LOVE IS ALL  AROUND us.

Have you ever been assailed by such intense happiness inside, that you feel that you’re like a lark going to burst into song?

For crying out loud, everybody does.

Good things are transient, are momentary, they never last.

Treasure love when it’s around.

Maybe for now, it is staring at you in the face.

But it’s like a car, parked at your door, and when the time comes, it revs up and roars off.

Weep not when love dies.

People do fall out of love.


, but memories cannot be erased.

Directed by ALEX LAU who also wrote the wonderful screenplay, ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW competed in the Berlin International Film Festival and bagged the CRYSTAL BEAR AWARD for the Best Film in the Children’s Jury “Generation Kplus”.

It also garnered 6 nominations  in the 29th Hong Kong Film Awards to be held on April 18, 2010: SIMON YAM (Best Actor), SANDRA NG (Best Actress), Best New Performers (AARIF LEE and CHUNG SHIU TO), Best Screenplay (ALEX LAU) and Best Original Film Song.

###ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW transports us to vintage Hong Kong in the 1960s, a long lost era that was once peppered with beauty, charm and character.

The story is narrated through the eyes of one gawky pre-teenager, our protagonist.

He comes from this simple family.

His father (SIMON YAM) is simple.  He’s hard nosed, works as a cobbler and is a disciplinarian.

His mother (SANDRA NG) is simple.  She believes in the sunny side, that everything is attainable, if you dare dream.

His elder brother (AARIF LEE) is simple.  He has those dreamy eyes for his tropical fishes and sports, until he discovers his one true puppy love.

Our protagonist is simple.  He sees life through rose-tinted innocence.

The plot is simple. Life is about love.

Love and loyalty for your parents, siblings, neighbors, friends and your sweetheart.

SIMON YAM is absolutely good.  He shows us that he retains versatility in choices of characters.  He plays a good father this time round, after a string of baddie roles.

SANDRA NG is no longer a madcap this time.  She is the doting mother with an eye for positivism and this is pivotal during hard times, in keeping the family together.

Enjoy the beautiful score in this fantastic movie and behold a new rising sexy Hong Kong star called AARIF LEE, a cross between FEI XIANG and LEE HOM.  He’s one actor to watch in the coming years.

As this reviewer has said earlier, love can be simple and that there’s no greater journey than the one that leads you to love.

Listen to an old hit  by PAUL ANKA,  Times Of Your Life


“Good morning, yesterday

You wake up and time has slipped away

And suddenly it’s hard to find

The memories you left behind

Remember, do you remember? The laughter and the tears

The shadows of misty yesteryears

The good times and the bad you’ve seen

And all the others in between

Remember, do you remember

The times of your life?Reach out for the joy and the sorrow

Put them away in your mind

The memories are time that you borrow

To spend when you get to tomorrowHere comes the setting sun

The seasons are passing one by one

So gather moments while you may

Collect the dreams you dream today

Remember, will you remember

The times of your life?”###ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW is an award winning film that demonstrates that life and family are only complete if we treasure love.

Enjoy today as the clock goes ticking, as we can never know what tomorrow will bring.

Because time and tide wait for no man.

And that life is a series of comings and goings.

Not forgetting DEATH, as all human beings have to depart this earth one day.

ECHOES OF THE RAINBOW is such a lilting splendid film that you cannot afford to miss!

At the end of it all, when the credits roll, you find that you are still so comfy in your seat and unwilling to leave the theater.

That’s the magic of this gem of a movie.


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