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Forbidden Kingdom
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About Forbidden Kingdom

Release dates: April 18, 2008 (USA), April 24, 2008 (HK)| 上映日期:2008年4月24日(星期四)

A 21st Century American teenager takes a spellbinding, dangerous journey into martial arts legend in the new action/adventure epic FORBIDDEN KINGDOM.

Shot on location in China, THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM marks the historic first-ever onscreen pairing of martial arts superstars Jackie Chan (RUSH HOUR, DRUNKEN MASTER) and Jet Li (FEARLESS, ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA), and features the awe-inspiring action choreography of Wo Ping (THE MATRIX, CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON).

While hunting down bootleg kung-fu DVDs in a Chinatown pawnshop, Jason (played by Michael Angarano - "24", "Will and Grace," LORDS OF DOGTOWN, SEABISCUIT) makes an extraordinary discovery that sends him hurtling back in time to ancient China. There, Jason is charged with a monumental task: he must free the fabled warrior the Monkey King, who has been imprisoned by the evil Jade Warlord. Jason is joined in his quest by wise kung fu master Lu Yan (Jackie Chan) and a band of misfit warriors including Silent Monk (Jet Li). But only by learning the true precepts of kung fu can Jason hope to succeed - and find a way to get back home.

Directed by Rob Minkoff (STUART LITTLE, THE LION KING), the film marks the first-ever onscreen pairing of martial arts superstars Jackie Chan (RUSH HOUR, DRUNKEN MASTER) and Jet Li (FEARLESS, ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA). The original screenplay by John Fusco (YOUNG GUNS, HIDALGO) is based on the traditional Chinese legend of the Monkey King. The film is produced by Casey Silver (LADDER 49, HIDALGO, the upcoming LEATHERHEADS) of Casey Silver Productions. Renowned action choreographer Wo Ping (THE MATRIX, CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON) is creating the fight sequences, and the director of photography is Peter Pau (CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON).

本年度萬眾期待超強動作片霸《功夫之王》(The Forbidden Kingdom),由成龍、李連杰兩位國際頂尖級國際巨星首度交鋒,同時也是袁和平繼《霍元甲》再次挑戰高難度真功夫之作,刺激動感先聲奪人。故事講述,美國青年積遜(米高安格尼奧 飾)是一位超級中國功夫迷,偶然之下,他於唐人街某當舖裡,發現了神秘金箍棒,並帶領他跨越時空,穿過「無門之門」來到古代中國!積遜獲贈一大驚世預言,要他把這件武器交還予其主人,從而解救被困在石頭中五百年的齊天大聖。

尋覓過程荊棘滿途,積遜結識了一眾來自武俠世界及古代傳說中的人物──包括號稱是「八仙」之一暨「醉拳大師」的吟游詩人盧炎(成龍 飾)、神秘而寡言的默僧強人(李連杰 飾)、報仇心切的俠女金燕子(劉亦菲 飾)等。一行四人攀山涉水趕往五行山,發現「齊天大聖」竟被邪惡玉帝督軍(鄒兆龍 飾)禁錮在那裡。玉帝督軍派出頭號殺手──冷血白髮魔女霓裳(李冰冰 飾)率領逾萬大軍追殺四人。連場生死大戰令積遜身歷其境,最後他能否把金箍棒交抵主人手中?穿越時空又是怎麼的一回事?冥冥中一切像有主宰…… | 故事大綱

本年度萬眾期待超強動作片霸《功夫之王》(The Forbidden Kingdom),由成龍、李連杰兩位國際頂尖級國際巨星首度交鋒,同時也是袁和平繼《霍元甲》再次挑戰高難度真功夫之作,刺激動感先聲奪人。故事講述,美國青年積遜(米高安格尼奧飾)是一位超級中國功夫迷,偶然之下,他於唐人街某當舖裡,發現了神秘金箍棒,並帶領他跨越時空,穿過「無門之門」來到古代中國!積遜獲贈一大驚世預言,要他把這件武器交還予其主人,從而解救被困在石頭中五百年的齊天大聖。

尋覓過程荊棘滿途,積遜結識了一眾來自武俠世界及古代傳說中的人物──包括號稱是「八仙」之一暨「醉拳大師」的吟游詩人盧炎(成龍飾)、神秘而寡言的默僧強人(李連杰 飾)、報仇心切的俠女金燕子(劉亦菲飾)等。一行四人攀山涉水趕往五行山,發現「齊天大聖」竟被邪惡玉帝督軍(鄒兆龍 飾)禁錮在那裡。玉帝督軍派出頭號殺手──冷血白髮魔女霓裳(李冰冰飾)率領逾萬大軍追殺四人。連場生死大戰令積遜身歷其境,最後他能否把金箍棒交抵主人手中?穿越時空又是怎麼的一回事?冥冥中一切像有主宰……

Interesting facts about Forbidden Kingdom

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Other
English Name Forbidden Kingdom
Traditional Chinese Name 功夫之王
Member Since March 20, 2008
Fans 63
Profile Views 147,584


Release dates: April 18, 2008 (USA), April 24, 2008 (HK)| 上映日期:2008年4月24日(星期四)


english, cantonese, mandarin
March 20, 2008