Official Artist
Kevin So
Producer , Composer , Music Producer , Musician , Singer
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Happy Saturday Facebook Family!

I encourage every single one of you to follow up on this, especially if you’d like to continue seeing fun, super cute videos of Monk singing, dancing, etc.

But seriously, having hi-speed WIFI here at home has been integral in allowing me to keep up on the social media side of life. If net neutrality is eliminated, it will change our lives on the internet forever, especially those of us who are truly independent in our lives and our subsequent artistry.

Sincere thanks everyone, KSo & Monk.

Please read on and do this below. It only takes a couple minutes ?

IMPORTANT: Net neutrality is about to disappear--like soon! Let's follow John Oliver's instructions (which crashed the FCC website the last time this issue came up), and tell the agency we want equal access, and equal speed for everyone. Otherwise, the powers will decide what we get to see, and what we don't. Let's not let this happen. Do it now - takes less than 5 minutes. ⚡️Thanks to John Oliver there's a SUPER easy way to do this.⚡️ 1. Go to gofccyourself.com (the shortcut John Oliver made to the hard-to-find FCC comment page) 2. Next to the 17-108 link (Restoring Internet Freedom), click "EXPRESS" 3. Be sure to hit "ENTER" after you put in your name & info so it registers. 4. In the comment section write, "I strongly support net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISPs." 5. Click to submit, and you're done. Make sure you hit "SUBMIT" at the end! Feel free to share this

about 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


A unique blend of Americana, Country, Blues and Gospel with a little bit of R&B/Soul sprinkled on top.

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May 9, 2008