Official Artist
Kenji Lui
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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just uploaded some pics of my toy collections (check the photo album above), some old, some new..  most are star wars figures (my favorite), old star wars are from the 70s and 80s, while the new ones are from 90s to present...and some are moc (mint on card), while some are already opened..you know sometimes you just couldn't resist to open them.. .:)

actually i already stopped collecting toys for a while after i changed my habit to dvd collecting... but somehow when i walk by places like toys'r'us or target and when i spotted something cool, i would still grab one or two...

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 23709
Mommy Mok you are really funny!
over 17 years ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
i guess when i was small, my mom used to think like that too, but she just failed..so beware....
over 17 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
May 14, 2007