Joanna Yang
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Had my driving practical test today, my first attempt....and i passed!!! Still can't believe it... :p U must be wondering what's the big deal...but in Singapore, due to the miniscule land space and hence road space, cars are sold at a ridiculously high price, that nevermind, and COE (cert. of entitlement) is bidded by car buyers at incredulously high prices as well....hence cost of driving here is horrendous. Some compared the expenses of owning a car to owning a wife...or 2nd wife heh.

Anyway, back to the main point: becoz of wanting to control traffic conditions and minimizing no. of cars on the road, the traffic police are really strict when conducting driving tests...so it's not very easy to pass on the first attempt. Many fail a number of times before finally passing....

The reason why i didn't take my driving when i hit 18 previously was becoz i was also taking my piano diploma at that year...so wanted to concentrate on that 1st. Then subsequently, due to being very busy in sch and laziness/procrastination, didnt take driving lessons at the same time. So now, in my free time as a piano teacher, decided to quickly take it before i get busier with more classes in July. Just nice :)

And now there's a slight dilemma. Coz beginner drivers' 1st yr of driving only have 12 demerit pts. And 2nd yr increased to 24 pts if im not wrong. So it's safer to drive in the 2nd yr...but u'd probably be rusty by then....so i guess i'd only drive once in a while...haha still haven't face the actual 'real world' out there as a motorist. sigh....

Okie tmr would go see my altered evening gown, hope it turns out well, and at night starts my EE (engagement encounter) camp from Friday till Sun evening. It's a compulsory camp for couples who wanna get married in churches in Singapore. Long time no camping...hope ppl are nice and the program is good. Hence, will be missing my good times spent here and reading your blogs and comments :) Cya all~ muaks hehe

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
demerit pts means e.g u beat the red lights u'd incur those and when up to the limit, your licence would be revoked...sadly singapore only allows 18 year olds and above to start learning.
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
hey thx Mommy mok... guess tat's why they said "Singapore is a FINE country" everything is money, fine here fine there....super strict etc etc. Constricted. But i guess there is a plus side to this which i shall not dwell on.
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
heh jac, after reading on how exp a car costs, do u think i can afford one now? hee, think will probably drive dad's car temporarily. Would have to share with my brother who just passed as well and my dad (retiree)
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
thx gals...spending time here before going off for camp very soon...sigh gotta get used to not having internet and AnD everyday heh
大约 17 年 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007