Joanna Yang
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Photoshoot done!

Tired man...but at least my wedding photoshoot is completed today :)

Tot i could sleep well last night but apparently not...dunno why the aircon was so hot last nite, plus me being hyped up perhaps..and at 545am i woke up to go toilet and couldnt sleep after that. After preparing to go off, we reached the bridal studio at 830am and guess wat, becoz they told us to be there at 9am, the shop was therefore still Closed! So we waited in my fiance's dad's car till the MUA (make up artist) arrived. It was raining...but i was not dismayed. In my heart i tot perhaps it's good to rain 1st then hopefully will be fine later on.

Did make up till ard 10 plus, then she did make up for my fiance. Then MUA started doing my hairstyle till about 11 plus...my photographer arrived slightly before that.

1st outfit was my evening gown with tiara. My fiance had 3 outfit changes. I had 6 :P 2nd was my kimono. 3rd was Kua. 4th was actual wedding gown (WG). By the time indoor photoshoot was over it was about 2 plus. Just nice we had lunch-they tapoed (take-away) chicken rice for both of us. Was anxious to go out for my outdoor photoshoot. Changed into my cheongsam and MUA did my hair again, this time let down with flower pins all over. (Will post the photos taken by my camera later on). Went out at 330pm.

1st stop, NTU (Nanyang Technological University), uni where i met my fiance in the Accountancy course. Took at the Chinese Heritage Centre coz it had some nice memories; indoor and outdoor, at the fountain, and at the Yunnam Garden-where i was made to climb up a grass slope and lie down on it with my cheongsam and wedding shoes on!! My cheongsam was wet afterwards. But photographer said it was worth it. Hopefully when i view the photos during my photo selection (12th July).

2nd stop- Sentosa island, at the beach. There were i think about 6 couples there! Hot /typical spot for wedding photoshoots.

Last stop- St Andrew's Cathedral at City hall.

Ended at 7pm. Took photos with my photographer, Shino, with my camera too. Earlier on, with my MUA, Shirley. Apparently Shino is getting married earlier than me, in Sept :)

Tired man..........eyes especially the right one zonked out (contacts a bit uncomfortable)..Will post photos later as my camera transferrer is not with me now. Tat's all folks. Thx for reading till here :p



大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
Forgot to add, the weather turned out very fine when we went out for photoshoot. God heard our prayers :)
大约 17 年 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007