Joanna Yang
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I broke down the 2nd time since this 2nd birth

im not so weida like other mothers. i'm going crazy due to insomnia after waking up to feed. It's not my baby's fault, but i can't go back to sleep immediately becoz i worry about things and sleeping noises and lack of space from my bed also keeps me awake.

I cried and told my in laws' i only slept 1.5 hrs.

I rather pay ppl than to lose my sleep...im not so weida. And i have a phobia of giving birth not becoz its painful, but becoz of losing my sleep. Yes im that pampered. Sleep keeps my sanity.

Coz staying with in laws', no space to hire a maid...can maids sleep on the floor? Then again, having a maid poses a whole lot of new problems too...

im broke down.

my suffering is nothing compared to Jesus', but why do i feel like im so broken down.

14 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
Skinph: yes thx. yep i do sleep in the day...no choice Rennie: thx, yes trying! Link: yeps this reminds me of a quote "Come to Him all you who are weary, and i will give you rest" Thx Wildorchid: funny thing, im not sure if that works for me hehe. sometimes i guess Dreamy: yes i know...i was gritting my teeth, braving all night and days till i finally lost my sanity after 1 mth plus, when i only got 1.5 hrs of sleep. I guess i need ppl to help me. Another silly reason is to claim my 4 mth maternity leave again b4 contract ends. Ju, AC, Peachey: thx gals for your concern Sat: i guess u have to have your own babies then u'd understand...
14 年多 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007