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August 29, 2007: Our Mutual First Time! | 2007年8月29日: 咱們共同的第一次! | 2007年8月29日: 咱们共同的第一次!

A few months ago, two of our long-term volunteers, Mr. Ma Han Hua and Liu Hong Yin, from the Dream Boat Star Club, suggested having a One Foundation Charity Cup Car Race.  I thought it was a great idea.  After several months of hard work the first ever One Foundation Charity Cup race was completed on Augusut 12 at the Shanghai Race Track.

Celebrities from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in this event and I was very touched by the support of the fans.  It ...Read more

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August 20, 2007: Professional Training Program for Chinese Film Crews | 2007年8月20日: 中國電影人才培訓計劃 | 2007年8月20日: 中国电影人才培训计划

It's been 27 years since films have became a significant part of my life.  I remember in 2000 while promoting "The One" in Beijing saying, "You don't have to see Jet Li's films, but you need to watch Chinese films".  I'm glad Chinese films have made a drastic improvement in the past few years; theater audiences have increased, and new box office records have been set.

Filming in Europe and North A...Read more

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August 14, 2007: Chinese Action Films | 2007年8月14日: 談中國動作電影 | 2007年8月14日: 谈中国动作电影

I remember back after I finished filming "The Bodyguard from Beijing", the movie was banned from China due to the fact that, in reality, there would not be a situation as depicted in the film where a bodyguard would go to Hong Kong.  Later, with "My Father is a Hero", we did the best we could to make it realistic, yet it didn't pass inspection either.  At the time I understood the many rules related to co-financed/produced films in China.  Personally, I ...Read more

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July 21, 2007: Experiences with Master Sheng Yen | 2007年7月21日: 和聖嚴法師的因緣 | 2007年7月21日: 和圣严法师的因缘

You might have heard that in 1997 I had a chance meeting with a Tibetan Buddhist Master which started me on a path of spiritual discovery and a search for the meaning of my life.  Since that time, I have travelled to visit, or invited teachers to come visit and lecture.  Being a beginner I still have many questions about the technical terms used in Buddhism.

In my personal studies I have read many Buddhist books, among them are those of Master Sheng Yen.  H...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  42 评论s  0 shares

Jet Li Chat | 李連傑聊天 | 李连杰聊天

The following is the transcrīpt from Jet's online chat dated July 15, 2007.  To discuss this chat we have created a forum thread here:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/bbs/thread-11832-1-1.html Keep your eyes peeled to jetli.com for future chat announcements!

14:05 - first, Jet says hello to everyone!  Thanks for joining this chat!

14:10 - Question #1:Ako: "Is there anything you do every day? I pray every mo...Read more

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July 10, 2007: Action Scenes with Jackie Chan | 2007年7月10日: 與成龍的動作戲 | 2007年7月10日: 与成龙的动作戏

In the blink of an eye it's been two months and the movie is half finished.  Jackie and I have been shooting an action scene for the past two weeks.  The idea of making a film together is something that the two of us started thinking about 15 years ago.  If we had shot the film back then, the sum of our two ages would have been 68.  Now, 15 years later, we're finally making the film, and the sum of our years is 98, or, by the time audience sees the movie it will...Read more

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July 6, 2007: About the Monkey King | 2007年7月6日: 關於孫悟空 | 2007年7月6日: 关于孙悟空

Ideally, the identity of the person portraying the Monkey King should be kept secret.  However, with advances in technology and information distribution, today's entertainment industry doesn't really have any secrets.  By now everyone knows that I will be playing the Monkey King character in "Forbidden Kingdom".

In fact, when I first received the scrīpt three years ago the producer approached me to play the role of the Monkey King, but at that time there were ...Read more

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Jet Li Chat – July 15, 2007 | 對話李連杰-7月15日,2007 | 对话李连杰-7月15日,2007

Jet Li will be holding a chat session on Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 14:00. (+8:00 GMT - China)  To participate in this special event, just follow these steps ...

  1. 3 days before the chat, starting  July 12, 2007, we will be opening up a thread in Jet's forum for you to pre-submit questions for Jet.  Between now and then think carefully about what sort of question you'd like to ask Jet.  We'll be going through and filtering out all the marriage proposals, requests for wush...Read more
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June 28, 2007: Xian Ju | 2007年6月28日: 仙居

这两天转组到仙居拍摄. 拍霍元甲也在这里待了12天. 同样是酷热的六月天, 看着当初为拍片而盖的屋子;

坐在电影中霍元甲思考是否回天津的那棵古树下…两年了, 感觉就像昨天.

就是一场梦. 好像电影, 把两年多出来的时光一剪. 那就像昨天一样.  就算没剪, 也记不清这两年做了些什么.

很多地方都不会想到会再去. 但是很奇妙, 去了一次就会有第二次. 像敦煌, 雅丹, 中东地区 … 仙居也是, 我以为不会再来的, 但又来了, 哈哈.

旧地重游, 宛如昨日. 而明天,  谁也不知道会发生什么事.


For the past couple days I've been filming here in Xian Ju.  During production on "Fearless" I was here for about 12 days.  It's the same scorching June.  Back then I was watc...Read more

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June 4, 2007: Yunnan Earthquake | 2007年6月4日: 紧急救助云南地震


六月四号,今天早上起来, 听到一个很不幸的消息.在云南普耳地区发生了地震 ,其实大自然就是这样, 我们根本不知道何时会发生自然灾害.身为壹基金计画的发起人, 我一直希望关怀心灵方面的问题,包括灾后的心灵重建.然而面 对眼前的自然灾害,


     我今天也和红十字会的几位负责人协商, 紧急从壹基金计画拨出十万元, 透过红十字会,将物资尽速送往灾区. 壹基金的概念就是, 每个人每个月一块钱,十万块钱就代表十万颗 心,希望灾区的朋友了解,在这块土地上, 很多人在关心你们,很多人的心和你们在一起,虽然我们在横店拍戏, 谨此代表所有壹 基金的支持者,向灾区的父老乡亲问候,我们永远会站在一起, 战胜所有的困难,因为我们是一家人.


When I woke up this morning I heard the unfortunate news that a 6.4-magnitude earthquake had devast...Read more

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Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007