Official Artist
Jesse Warren
DJ , Photographer
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Beach party coming soon

I am super excited about a beach party I am organizing with my friends (& spinning as well). It'll be the first big beach party of the year here in Shenzhen. We did one last year, and despite only announcing the party one day in advance, got about 35 people (mostly good friends) to come and had the party of the summer. Never mind the fact we lost several hundred yuan; it was all good. This time we are doing things a little different, that is, planning and putting the word out a month in advance. But we are still keeping the cost waayyy down because this is a party for and with our good friends. We've got a lot of our good people to DJ, and it looks like attendance will be at least a hundred if not two. We'll be hooking up a slip n' slide down the sand dunes, yeah! The location of the beach party is a secret, but is owned by some really good local people whom I've really come to trust and admire over the years. If you are looking for a good beach party adventure, come join the fun! Sign up on the SZ Stuff event page and the Facebook page here. Here is the flier which I am quite happy with and was a joint effort between me and two friends:

over 10 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Guangdong, China
Member Since
January 12, 2008