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我回台灣了!一回到家就看到桌上放著上次為了肚子裡的寶寶做的NIFTY PLUS基因檢測報告,要看檢查結果的時候我好緊張,就好像學校考試放榜一樣緊張,但其實為了這緊張也挺笨的,我又沒辦法像準備考試一樣為它提前做功課唸書去準備,但是,我還是很緊張!當我打開報告看完結果,我大嘆了一口氣,是心中卸下一塊大石頭的那種,這種感覺比考試分數拿到滿分還要棒啊! I came back to Taiwan today to find the results of my NIFTY PLUS test on my desk (a genetics test for the baby, basically) . I was nervous - like I was about to find out the results of a school exam. It’s so silly. This isn’t some sort of test I can study for, so it’s not like I could have prepared for the exam… but still, I was nervous. When I opened the contents and read the results of the blood test though, I felt the biggest sigh of relief. Better than any Straight A’s or top score could have made me feel.

檢測報告出來,所有寶寶基因異常病變的機率結果都是很低的。 The chance for all of the genetic disorders tested have come out as "low".

我知道以我的年齡已經算是有風險的高齡產婦,所以替寶寶作基因檢測的確對我們來說是我們很想做的也很需要做的,至少我們可以提早知道一些可能發生的狀況。 I know I am considered a high risk pregnancy because of my age, and so doing a genetics blood test for my baby was something we wanted to do to make us at least aware of some of the possible outcomes.

我也知道就算不做檢測,在我身體裡要孕育一個生命的時候還是會有很多意想不到的狀況會發生,但是我很清楚不管發生什麼事我們都會很愛我們的孩子,我們也覺得透過替寶寶作非侵入性的檢測來充實自己的認知都是個很好的選擇。如果未來發生不可預料的可能比一般人還高,那麼就該更為這個即將且確定到來的挑戰做好萬全準備:我們就要當媽媽(爸爸)啦! I'm also aware that despite any test, there's a chance for anything when it comes to a developing a brand new human being inside of you, and I know we'll love our child whatever happens, but I think that knowing and arming yourself with knowledge, through some non-invasive tests for the baby, is always a good option. If the chances for anything unforeseen is higher than normal, then you can learn how best prepare for what’s going to already be a new challenge in life - that YOU'RE GOING TO BE A MOMMY (or Daddy!)

NIFTYPLUS #台灣基康 #五合一基因檢測 台灣基康-基因檢測領導品牌

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