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So today, I woke up feeling moody, grumpy and fat. Pregnant and fat. My stomach is getting quite big, my butt is sagging, my waist (what waist?) and my hips are spreading out like melted butter on toast. 今天,我起床的時候心情很不好 - 我覺得我好胖、我的肚子超大 、我的屁股往下垂了, 我的腰(對,懷孕還要什麼腰?!) 和我的骨盆已經往橫向生長了,好像溶化的奶油吐司!

And then George reminded me that I'm creating a human inside my body and that is such a strange and bizarre miracle that only women are capable of, and I felt slightly better. Still feeling super sized, but better. 不過這時候George提醒了我,我可是正在孕育一個生命,而這是只有女人可以做得到奇妙且詭譎的美妙奇蹟。聽了George的話我想了想,心情有比較好一些,即使依然覺得好胖,但是心情好了些。

This week, our baby is 21 weeks young and it has just dawned on me that we are more than halfway through this pregnancy and that's a very very scary feeling. Terrifying really. We're not ready to be parents yet (people say, you never will be ready), but I SERIOUSLY feel like we're not ready. We're still trying to figure out what WE want to do with our lives, let alone, know how we're going to take care of another LIFE! And that can be quite intimidating and overwhelming sometimes. A lot of times. 這個禮拜我們的寶寶已經21周了,想到這我才突然驚覺,等一下!我的天啊!孕期還剩不到一半小孩就要出來了!好可怕! 我們什麼都還沒有準備好。不過我身邊每個已當爸媽的朋友都安慰我說,沒有一對迎接新生命的父母們會覺得他們是準備好的,這聽起來合理,但我必須認真的說,我和George根本還不清楚自己接下來該怎麼做,如果連自己的生活都還沒打理好,該怎麼去迎接照顧另一個新生命呢?這感覺常常讓我們很驚嚇也很挫折,你們也會有這種感覺嗎?

There are times when I've felt on top of the world - I'm going to be a MOMMY! And my cute little belly bump is holding our BABY! And I look SEXY! I'm a HOT MAMMA! But then I have to remind myself that there are going to be other times, like today, where I just feel lost and overwhelmed, heavy and uncomfortable with my current body. It's like my body isn't my own anymore, you know what I mean? 有時候只要想到我即將要當媽咪了,就會覺得自己置身在世界的頂端,沒什麼能超越,而那可愛又圓滾滾的肚子正在支撐保護著我們的小孩,我這個孕婦看起來依然性感,這些都是好棒的感覺。但是我也必須不時提醒自己,我也會有混亂情緒的時候,像今天,我對自己的身體感到失望,覺得迷失也很不堪一擊,就好像現在這個身體不是自己的,你們懂這種感覺嗎?

I'm going to laugh at myself in a few more months when I'm REALLY big aren't I? I guess it's really time to embrace the changes my body is going through! It is a truly beautiful thing to be able to be pregnant and I should appreciate every passing moment - good and bad! 不過我相信再過幾個月, 我一定會回頭看著今天為小事憂鬱的自己然後哈哈大笑。等我快生的時候,那肚子才是真正的大、無比的重、各種悶各種不舒服都來,那時候才會覺得你的身體不是你自己的不是嗎。

我想,最重要的是,我真的要開始享受每一刻,去接受身體的改變、接受大自然要我們擔任孕婦這個艱鉅任務的勇敢過程。 媽媽們真的太偉大了,嘿,我孩子他媽媽的⋯⋯肚子裡是我的寶寶啊!

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Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.


November 25, 2009